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Lucie and Pneumonia

Don Wood

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Lucie has been coughing and wheezing terribly the last several days. We have been to the regular doctor twice, with meds to try -- no improvement. This morning at 3:30AM, I had to take her to the ER, where they discovered she had pneumonia in her left lung. She is coming along fine and should be home in a few days. I know pneumonia is not unusual for lung cancer people, but I also have several sources on Iressa that say it may have been triggered by the Iressa. We will keep you posted. Things look pretty good right now. Don

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Dear Don,

Sorry to hear about Lucie. She is a fighter. It sounds like you caught this quick. I imagine you both are pretty exhausted from your ordeal. You are such a diligent careprovider. Lucie is lucky to have you by her side. My prayers are with you both.

Chery and Jack

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Guest Cheryl Schaefer

Just wanted to add my thoughts and best wishes for Lucie's speedy recovery. I agree with the board. Take a little time for yourself right now, knowing she's in good hands.


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CT scan of chest clear. She does have fluid in the left lung, of course. Also her legs were swollen and her blood oxygen low, but she had no clots. So we are still blessed! She wants to come home as fast as she can, and I am with her on that, as long as she is clear of the pneumonia. Take care all. And thanks. Don

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Don, I will say some special prayers for you and Lucie today, I hope Lucie recovers quickly! I know with our loved ones in the hospital sometimes we end up more tired from always being in the hospital. I agree with everyone else, you should try to get some probably much needed rest for yourself right now. If your like me its hard to do sometimes. We tend to forget that we need rest too! After all if we don't take care of ourselves who will take care of our loved ones. I've had many people give me this advice, but I'm not always good at taking time for my own needs! I'm sending lots of good luck your way!!! Take Care!! My Thoughts and Prayers are with you and Lucie!!

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