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Roger C

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My name is Roger, age 62 smoker for over 40 years.

I have been lurking around this message board for a few weeks and just reading post. Also checking out other boards as you will see why reading further. I have found that the people here have so much compassion and knowledge and always willing to help. Keep up the good work and God bless you all.

Here is my story

Where do I begin. These couple of months have been very hectic for me with all kind of test. I had a few doctors in a spin. Once they sorted all this out, this was the outcome. Stage IIIA nsclc cancer. Separate cancers on both kidneys which is rare. So altogether, I have three cancers. Doctors all agreed on the treatment. Tackle the lung cancer first because the kidney tumors tend to grow slowly. If the lung cancer can get under control and I am in reasonable health, the Urologist feels he can do a partial nephrectomy on both kidneys. Going into hospital Tuesday for a Port-a-Cath. Chemo & Radiation will start Wednesday for six weeks.


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Welcome Roger. Here's a hint on your port. Ask your doctor for a prescription for the cream that numbs the site so you won't feel it when they access it. Put the cream on one hour before you go (works best by just putting a piece of saran wrap over it). The port is tender, especially when first put in. This way you don't feel a thing when they use your port. Good luck on the treatment, keep us posted on how you do.


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Welcome Roger,

I am a stage 3A nsclc survivor. I had six weeks of daily radiation and weekly chemo, surgery and then two more chemo sessions. I am doing very well right now and show now cancer on my scans. It sounds like you have wonderful doctors. I pray that all goes well. Again welcome to this site. I was so happy to find this site after I found out that I had cancer.

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Roger: While I don't currently have any useful kick-off advice I can give you, I just wanted to welcome you to this site. I can only support what you observed during "lurking," that these folks are a very compassionate and caring group that will do all they can to help you along the way.....perhaps one day as I learn too, I will be able to substantively (is that a real word?) help you too during my experiences.

Welcome, and warm hugs, Linda

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Deb sed tohave a port and said when she had it put in that the room you wwent innto before surgery was like a Bait and Tackle shop with all the hooks and wires on the walls. Good Luck and Lets get ready to Rumble here.

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Welcome (((Roger)))

Boy, it sounds like you have your hands full, but your doctors sound like they have a plan of attack and an aggressive approach. I am glad you joined us, and if there is ever anything we can do to help just give us a holer.

Keeping you in my prayers, and I hope the port-a-cath procedure goes well. My husband got one after about 1 year of IV treatments. Boy we wish we would have done it right from the beginning, it was so much better.

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Hi Roger,

Welcome here. Glad you decided to join us. Now we can give you support when you need it.

The doctors seem to have a good plan for you. First the lungs, then the kidneys.

I am so sorry for your diagnosis. You seem to have triple whammy. LC can be brought under control, please know that it is not a death sentence. So many here have beaten the odds and continue to do so.

Keep us posted.


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Welcome Roger. Here's a hint on your port. Ask your doctor for a prescription for the cream that numbs the site so you won't feel it when they access it. Put the cream on one hour before you go (works best by just putting a piece of saran wrap over it). The port is tender, especially when first put in. This way you don't feel a thing when they use your port. Good luck on the treatment, keep us posted on how you do.


Thanks for the tip, I will mention it to the doctor, thanks again

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