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Finally some good news!!


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As I have mentioned Dad recently started seeing a new team of doctors. The medical oncologist was very concerned that Dad had not an MRI of his brain done yet. So it was ordered and done (after me raising hell with Cigna -- they said they couldn't get him in until mid April and I was having no part of that :x ) -- we got the results in the mail about a week ago now...and no mestastic activity is found in his brain!!! WOO HOO!!

I am somewhat suprized by this as he seems to have all of the "signs" (memory issues, stumbling, numbeness in his legs/feet) that you read about, but without ANY doubt we'll take these results!!

Dad has now done all but two of his 10 doses of "mega radiation" to his shoulder and has had 2 sessions of chemo (carbo/taxol). He has handled the chemo quite well...Thank God!! Even the 6 hours in the oncologist office just sitting. He refuses to watch a movie, read a book or anything. He wants to watch other patients and has begun to talk to a few, which I think will be VERY good for him. He actually is beginnig to talk about having cancer and the limitations he has as a result of it. He told a waiter the other day that he could not have garlic on his steak as it does not agree with him now that he has cancer.LOL

He is still battling the pain control related issues but I called the medical oncologist and they are increasing his duragesic patch to 100mcg and he will apply the first of those tonight. Praying that this will get him the full 72 hours of pain relief that he so desparately needs.

One area I could use some advise on... is hydration. I know he needs to be drinking a lot (preferrably water) to remain well hydrated. He refuses to drink water (even bottled), saying that it taste bad. He drinks a lot of coffee (which in itself is dehydrating due to the caffine) and has recently started drinking herbal tea but not in any large quantity. Any other ideas of things that might help or how to get him to drink more in general? We have tried just putting a glass of water in front of him at all time, but he turns up his nose at it. I keep telling him his choice is water or an i.v. but it doesn't seem to phase him. We could use some ideas if anyone has any.

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Really good news on that brain MRI, Cindy. Congrats on that one!

I had/have trouble with water too. (switch his coffee to decaf) shhhhh!

I used to try to make myself drink it by buying dixie cups and put them in the bathroom. Everytime I went potty, I made a rule that I had to drink a cup. It is just a couple of ounces, but it was better than nothing.

An old friend told me that she "treats" herself to water. She gets fresh ice cubes, and they make a beautiful sound in a tall glass glass as they clink together. Then pours in the water and enjoys listening to the ice cracking and the color of the ice changing etc. Adds a nice slice of lemon... and good to go. Sip sip sip. Visual and auditory appeal, you know?

How about juices? Cranberry, grapefruit, apple, and all of the berry flavors that go with them... yummy!

Teas are a wonderful idea. Make it a social thing and serve a bit of a cookie or cake along with... (you don't have to disclose that you are being sneaky...)

Good luck.

Cindi o'h

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Great news on the MRI! How old is your dad Cindy? Some of his symptoms could be related to the chemo. Does he have any other health issues like diabetes? T

My mom is going through the same thing! Trying to get her to understand that she needs twice as much water as she thinks she needs is hard. Cindi is right, juices are a great alternative and provide the liquid as well as calories. How about slushies? You could freeze some juice and then blend in a blender. If he likes coffee, gradually cut back on the caffeinated stuff by doing a half/half type of thing until its all decaf...yes it is sneaky but we do what we can for our loved ones. Good luck, I keep asking my mom how much she drinks and it does get old but we do it because we care.

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Congratulations on the good MRI results!!! That is wonderful news.

Gatorade, and vitamin waters are also a good idea because not only do they hydrate but they also have added electrolites and other minerals that are good for keeping up energy.

My husband had a period of time where he wasn't liking the water, and juice was just too sweet for him too. We found that Fruit2O was a good choice because it had a hint of fruit flavor to make it appetizing without being sweet syrupy. I also would freeze juices such as orange and pineapple juice in an ice cube tray and then add the juice cubes to water to add flavor as they gradually melt.

Also, popsicles are another great idea for getting fluids in when he doesn't feel like drinking anything. He always enjoyed a good popsicle or ice cream so I kept lots of them stocked in the house.

Prayers and warm wishes for you and your father.

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The news on the MRI is great and your dad's lucky to have you as his advocate. Keep pushing. I'm wishing your dad the very best. As for hydrating our bodies during treatment....I also hated the taste of water and had a hard time forcing it on myself. I learned that very cold ice water did the trick for me. Now I'm loving my big huge swigs of cold, cold ice water, I carry it everywhere...as long as it's as cold as I can get it.

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Isn't it great to hear that you have nothing in your head. congats on dads being empty headed. Have you tried anything like BOOST, ENSURE, V8 ? Gatorade is great for electrolyte replenishment. Good Luck and keep us posted.

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Wonderful news!!!!

Ditto on the juices, gatorade, and flavored water suggestions already presented. Watch teas (they also have caffeine) -- but you can do the decaf swicharoo as Cindi suggested with coffee. Divine concoctions such as yummy milkshakes and slushies work too, according to the docs. in our neck of the woods.



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The symptoms you think might have been brain related are also caused by some chemos and radiation. And, yep, hydration is very important, especially during treatments. It is very easy to get dehydrated.

There are some flavored waters on the market, and Gatorade types, and you could try Ensure, Slurpies, Smoothies, that sort of thing. Don

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great news on no mets to brain....as far as drinking the water..my Mom who has pancreatic cancer says water tastes like metal and hates it...Dr. said it doesn't matter what they drink as long as they drink something....we have tried cranberry juice mixed with some sprite, she likes that alot...white grape juice sometimes mixed with something..all I can tell you is to try everything until you hit something he likes..but let me warn you, it seems they tire of it soon and you have to look for something else!!!! My husband has lung cancer and has never stopped drinking his almost 1/2 fifth of Jack Daniels a night!!! even when he had mouth sores....he was dehydrated 1 time in a year...my mom almost every week since Feb. If he begins to dehydrate the most important thing is get him to Dr. so they can give it via IV...dehydration will knock them down alot, and then if there is vomiting with it..well, let me tell you it "ain't pretty"...just don't let it get that far...if you take his BP at home take it sitting and then have him stand and take it again..if there is a big difference he is dehydrated.

best of luck on continued good news for him


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Glad to hear the news about the MRI. I also have a problem now with memory, some unstable moments, not so much numbness as it feels like my feet are always freezing. All of this I attribute to the chemo (Carbo/Taxol). It is getting a little better 4 months after all the treatments, but still unnerving. I had trouble with drinking water also, I could only drink Slushes for the longest time, then it was milkshakes and smoothies. Still got dehydrated a couple of times but that got taken care of with IV's. You'll find a mixture that he will like. I couldn't drink coffee as much as I normally did because it tasted funny, but tea's became my friend.


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Hey Cindy..good news, no brain mets for your dad. Gator aide and the other stuff is good, but try to get him to drink some water too I don't like to drink water very much and I have a deep well with sweet tasting country water. I made myself guzzle it when I was doing chemo. I prefer coffee, juice and milk. I still drink water now, a couple of glasses a day.

Don m

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For the drinking part.

When somebody is with your father,

they should have a drink in their hands

while talking to him and take sips of it,

maybe, I know it makes me thirsty to see

somebody with a drink in their hands

and it sure worked for my husband when he

got dehydrated.

Best of luck


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Try to make him drink green tea, there's a lot of health benefits. I've done some research when my mother had LC and read that the 'phytochemicals' in green tea (5 cups +/day) could prevent the cancer from spreading, and it's great to prevent dehydration.

I suggest the Japanese Sencha green tea.


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Great to hear the good news about your Dad's scan Cindy. I am with your Dad, I don't like drinking water either and always I'm always getting into trouble with my doctors aabout it. I drink a lot of tea which is also a diuretic, (sp?) and they don't approve of that! Paddy

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