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Is there a venting forum???


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HELP!! I can hardly see through my tears right now, I am sure I don't want my boss to see me. She is the most deceitful, rotten person I have ever laid eyes on. Just left the office a few hours ago with a big talk on how much she trusts my co-worker and I with her life, she hopes we trust her. Went to her budget meeting - and low and behold I found a copy of the new budget for the year and she has eliminated my job. I am so ANGRY. My hubby is teetering on the brink with his job, two kids in college, trying to keep up with everything and I went from a promise of a SUBSTANTIAL raise, to losing my job. I can only hope her superiors (who know she is loony) will back me up.

There are times when I hate the fact that I trust people so much. I really, really think everyone is trying to do the right thing - boy, once again I learned a valuable lesson. I likened it to the Charlie Brown thing, you know when Lucy promises to hold the football for him, only to pull it out at the last second?! That's me, there, on my back. Legs flailing and gasping for air. Sorry to carry on so, I am just crushed.......

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So sorry for you. People can be such creeps. It makes me so mad. I had a lot of backstabbing at my job several years ago and never had been treated so badly in my life --- and I worked at a church!

Is there any room for appeal to higher-ups in your company? There has just got to be SOMETHING you can do. Gosh, I'm just so frustrated for you.

Keep venting!!!


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So sorry, Terrie. Is there someone at work, your boss's boss, that can help you with this problem? I know how bad it hurts to think you can trust someone, only to find they have let you down. I'll be saying prayers that things work out with the job. Just remember that when God closes a window, He often opens a door.

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Sorry you don't need to face this with everything else. My advice is to calm down completely before confronting anyone. Do not allow them to suggest that you are letting your emotions rule. You need to have a calmness when you approach the topic. In the past, I have practiced beforehand, and my rule is you can only raise your voice when you are doing it for effect - not because you are mad. I know this is difficult ...but it will make a difference.

Good luck.


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Document the date and the substance of the conversation you had with her. You need to ask her about the budget and what her plans are regarding your position. It may be an accident, it may be a promotion or job change (you may be doing the work of two people)-- who knows what she is thinking. Let us know how it goes.


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I gotta go with Ry on this Find out what is happeening first and foremost with your position. Then pursue other options if not likable. I wish I could do more in this case but I feell helpless right now. Vent away we have big dry shoulders here if it does help to get it out.

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I always used to say "things happen for a reason, and usually work out for the best" (pre-Lung Cancer days). Well, I think this is still one of those situations that I believe will work out that way. You'll probably find a much better job: better pay, better hours, etc. I truely hope so.


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Thanks everyone. I have calmed down a bit. Unfortunately, even if I did confront her about this, I wouldn't believe her. She has been lying frequently. I work for a small non-profit, and I really LOVE my job. The hours work great for me, too. I keep trying to remind myself those things are more important than a raise (which she has been promising me for months now!). Now I find out she may want to eliminate my job - :shock: !!

I am sure between the problems with my hubby's job, and all the pressures from home, I just feel like I am going to burst!! Usually, I do follow that "things usually happen for a reason", so I will really try to keep that in mind. But, just to make me feel better, could I give her just ONE good slap?? (OK, just in my mind!!) :roll:

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Terrie sorry you have to deal with this BS and a boss who is a b word too.

I used to work for a large corporation and had a couple of bosses who just were really too low to call human. They lied, they stole credit for my work and received promotions, and they backstabbed like crazy.

It may sound silly, but I'd get so mad that I wanted to kick them. I made a damn it doll. It was just a crude semi-human cutout with a little stuffing between the layers (I knew in my heart it was my bosses) On the back I printed the Damn it doll saying

"When you think you want to climb the walls and shout,

here’s a little damn it doll you cannot do without.

Just grasp it firmly by the legs and find a place to slam it,

and as you whack your frustrations out yell…

Damn It, Damn It, Damn It!!!"

Silly and childish yes, but it was fun and helped with the urge to strike. Plus if they were really bad, I could always stick pins in it... hey maybe voodoo would work :lol:

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Hi Terrie, Again don't jump to conclusions, just try to maintain (and I know it is hard) a positive and confident attitude. No matter how this plays out, you will need references. You don't want to burn your bridges, no matter how tempting.

Are you sure your boss wasn't trying to tell you something with all this talk about trust? Maybe there is a good chance a new job will later open up for you?

I hate the ugly politics at work too. Hang in there.


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Job problems are a terrible pain! Before you jump to conclusions, try to calm down and organize your thoughts. Go over in your mind what you want to know/say to her and also try to anticipate her responses so you'll be prepared for any answers you get. Like the others have said, it could well be a job switch/readjustment, etc. You're not sure yet. Sometimes things change in the blink of an eye, and sometimes for the better. Remember we're all here for you. Keep in touch, ok?


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Terrie ,

I believe i know how you feel as my sister inlaw worked for this Co. that made of all thing's syringes{for Med purposes} for close to twenty year's.She got Cancer and When she went into remission they let her go claiming she was no longer able to do her job correctly and she was a Supervisor. I believed it was timed so that she was denied her retirement Benefit's.The Bank hired her and made sure she got insurance and now her Cancer came back and is no longer able to work due to back pain but praise Heaven her Doctor used his influence and got her on Medicaid and SS. So what i'm trying to say is look for the Silver Lining as thing's will some how work out and more than likely in a way were not expecting, as the old saying goes GOD work's in mysterious way's.....

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