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Update on my Dad (8-18-06)


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We got the results from his CT scan Monday. The scan report suggests a recurrence. Here are the results compared to his scans in April:

On the current study there is an approximately 1cm spiculated nodule seen in the right upper lobe. This is suspicious for primary lung tumor. Additionally since the prior study, there has been development of an approximately 3.2 supraclavicular lymph node on the left. A smaller approximately 1.5 cm node is also seen in the same axial plane on the right. There is a stable hilar prominent lymph node. Emphysematous changes are noted in the lungs bilaterally.


1. 1 cm somewhat spiculated nodule seen in the right upper lobe suspicious for primary lung tumor.

2. Interval development of adenopathy seen in the supraclavicular regions bilaterally left greater than right very suspicious for metastatic disease. Biopsy suggested.

3. Hiatal hernia

4. The adrenal glands have a normal appearance.

He hasn’t received the call for when he will have a biopsy. I’ll be calling them tomorrow. The last two scans have been read by different MD’s. I hope his nodules and lymph nodes are benign.

There are a lot of phase two clinical trials for recurrent SCLC but picking one seems like a crap shoot. Small cell is very responsive to initial treatment; however it has a high propensity to recur resistant to chemotherapy.

My Dad is so brave but I’m sure his world is spinning. I’m scared and I’m sure he is too. He’d never let you know though.

August 18th.

We got the call at 8:00 AM this morning. His small cell cancer is back. We probably won't know a treatment (palliative) plan until Monday. I'll spend the weekend researching and spending time with him.

Tonight, I'm in the dumps. I'm trying to muster hope but I've obsessed over and researched his cancer for the last year and a half and haven't found an ounce of hope for recurrent small cell. The one thing he has going for him is he is still feeling good and his relapse happened later in remission.

When he dies, it's going to kill me. I know it's logical order for parents to go before their children but we've never had any cancer in my family and my Dad's Dad died a few years ago when he was 87. I feel I'm being robbed twenty years.

He's my Dad. I can't remarry and get a new one. You only get one Dad. He's my best friend, my confidant and neither one of us has ever had someone closer than each other in our lives. We think exactly alike and it wouldn't be any different if we were identical twins.

We've carried each other through good and bad times. As our relationships with others came and went, we've always had each other. I can't believe we're facing this.

I'm so sad, sorry for the vent.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm so sorry for you and your dad. I know how you feel. My mom just finished treatment the middle of May. The first PET scan looked 90% improved. she had another scan 8/3 and it is coming back already, which the doc. said is considered a recurrence.

It seems like there is little information on sclc especially recurrent and what you do find is not promising.

Sending prayers for you and dad to beat the odds


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I am very sorry as well, sclc bites!, please don't give up hope, from what you tell us about your dad, he is strong, no one can say 100 percent w/ certainty what will happen. You must fight! I know that w/ my husbands' sclc, He can't stop, I can't stop, you can't w/ sc, it is so tiring, but don't give up!!!


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Oh Sheri, I am so sorry to hear this...I lost my dad to colon cancer and know just what your are feeling and your fears. I will tell you one thing though..these sweet, beautiful memories you are making right now, truly will ease some of the heartache later..maybe not right away but it's kinda like a miracle how these memories tuck inside our hearts and surface when we least expect them to and when they do, they help ease the pain and sadness.

Please know you and your dad are in my prayers.

Hey, don't ever be sorry for *venting*, we all do and it's good for us!



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