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Boston Walk


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The walk was a fantastic success thanks to each and every person who got involved from Maine to California! Every single person should be very proud. The weather was mostly sunny and 66. We had over 500 show up to walk. Kassey and TracyD gave a very nice speech, my brother said a prayer. It was great to meet Katie Brown! We had goodie bags and refreshments that everyone liked and enjoyed. Everyone had a great time at the event and things went remarkably well for our first time thanks to all the hard work from our committee members and volunteers. Will post the total amount raised as soon as we get them. I hope everyone joins us next year>>this is a win-win situation for LUNGevity, the board and all the proceeds go to lung cancer research.

Again thank you everyone, Geri and I could not have done this without you and see you next year!


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I was thinking of your guys, and knew it would be successful. You should be so proud of all you done and all the money you raised for LUNGevity for LC research.

The weather was perfect. So glad you had it on Saturday and not Sunday. And glad ours was last Sunday and not yesterday. It would have been a washout as it was miserable and pouring.

Can't wait to see the pics and your amount raised.

We have not received our total yet.

Proud of you all!!

Maryanne :wink:

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Wow. I really wish I had been there. Katie thanks so much for the pictures. In some way through them I got to be in my home town! It sounds and looks like it was so great!

Donna G

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I am so glad the walk was a success. Katie- thanks for all the pictures, I wish I could have been there. For our first walk we did pretty well. The committee was very dedicated especially Rich- who spent hours on this almost every day, answering e-mails and keeping us all in line.

I just checked our home page and we have gone over $100,000.00! Can't wait to see the total. Good job!

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I've not stopped smiling yet!!

What a day it was, the only word that keeps coming out of my mouth is AMAZING.

Before I came home today I photocopied a wad of checks over 3 inches thick~~~~about 21K's worth of paper~~~~it was tedium at it's best but what a feeling, to know that people had been so generous for the cause that is closest to our hearts.

Rochelle was not in Boston but I'm sure she had the same smile and pride when she walked in Michigan that we all had, to know that we had accomplished so much and that we had reached so many people.

So many people stopped and thanked us for putting it on, asked if we would be back next year, gave us their stories or were just plain grateful to be able to make a contribution.

Thanks to everyone who donated, walked, worked with us and wished us well. We had a lot of guardian angels cheering us on and they did us proud.

Must go now - gotta start planning next year's!!


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