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PET/CAT results for Tony - 11/29 UPDATE


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Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart for all of your prayers, encouragement and support. I don't know what I'd do without these boards.

Okay, so we saw the onc. today. Tony is slated to begin weekly Navelbine for 8 weeks & then scan again. The idea is to jump on this right away because he is not ready, due to pleural effusion, to get on the Alimta bandwagon. I saw the PET scans and, while they didn't look good, they certainly didn't look even a 1/10 of what he had when first diagnosed. Looks to be a countable amout of tumors/masses of about 16. Zometa will be given also for the bone things. I guess he is trying to stabilize things so Tony can have the pleurodesis done on both lungs.

He did throw Tony a curve ball with the "you have to get a port to have Navelbine". Tony has steadfastly refused a port and calls it a four-letter word. (This, of course, is the same guy who wouldn't do pleurodesis either mind you...) So tomorrow is the consult and he'll get a pretty new port on Wednesday and begin chemo again Wed. or Thurs.

Couple of things worry me a bit. No brain scan right now and no radiation for the bone mets. They don't hurt, so Doc says no radiation necessary.

This means that the chemo will systemically treat everything. I guess that's the hope anyway. He says Tony has no symptoms of brain mets, but I argued to no avail with him about a scan right now. I guess I shouldn't borrow trouble.

Well that's it for us now. Hoping that Navelbine will stave off the beast so we can move into pleurodesis land and get ready for whatever is slung at us next.

Thanks for listening.


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I am so sorry to hear about Tony's scans and the treatment not working. I think it's good that the onc wants to try another treatment, and pray it works! This savage beast must be Killed or at least put back in its cage where it belongs!

My deep and abiding prayers are sent to you now. I know the agony and despair of these scans.


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Has Tony had blurred vision/double vision. I know your reponse is "No".

My reply is "are you sure?"

Then your response is... "oh yeah. There were those times when he was driving. Scared the dickens out of us!"

Then I say, "Sounds like your doctor should hear about this."

Then you say, "You're right, Cindi o'h. What would I do without you. I will tell the doctor about this. Also, I may mention the dizzy spells he has been having. It could be nothing, but we should ask the doctor."

Cindi o'h

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Thank you for the update and that it does not seem as bad as you anticipated. Sending prayers for his next chemo to work wonders.

Keep us posted and you know we are here to help you through this.

I am so sorry for what you are both going through. Poor guy has really been through the ringer.


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Thanks again -- I am soooo glad that I can come to these boards and get info without having to spend the time explaining the in's and out's. You have all been there, done that.

(Cindi O'h -- you are just tooooo funny. The thought of saying something like that never even crossed my mind.) The Doc is planning to scan in eight weeks -- brain too. I think he is just trying to get the whole she-bang under some type of control before we travel down radiation road -- or maybe not.

But to be honest -- I really don't know what the heck to think because this whole bone & maybe brain mets is out of my area of "expertise". (I'm not a real Doctor, I only play one at home.) We've never been out of the lung before. What exactly is done for brain mets and bone mets?? Anyone?

By the way, Tony is sporting a new port tonight. We've named it "Mr. Four-letter Word".


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