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I was grieving, but your responses have helped...thanks

Cheryl Ferguson

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I am fairly new to this board but I hope you continue to post. I know I would do anything to advocate for my mom, and I believe your husband was doing just that. To survive this disease you have to fight!

I hope you continue to be part of this site.


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Hi Cheryl,

I know nothing about this incident, but I wanted to tell you that your posts help me. I think you have a lot of valuable information and I hope you'll stick around and share it. You'd think this would all have blown over if it happened 2 years ago??? Goodness! Prayers for all of us affected by this horrible disease.


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Cheryl, I remember all of the bad times you are speaking about and I still was very glad to see that you had started to once again post. Like others, I tried to find out how you were doing when you were away and posting mainly on another board. Unfortunately, we are all tied together by a common thread and we need to hold together, be strong and understand each others needs. Right now, while fighting for your life, is not a time to feel alone. I, for one, will be here to listen and support you should you need me. We have all made mistakes that we wish we could somehow undo but sometimes that's just not possible. We just have to pick ourselves up and go on and make the most of each new day.

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I don't know what happened 2 years ago; nor do I care. I do hope you will feel free to post here -- you obviously know a great deal about how to survive lung cancer. We can all use your knowledge and support. It goes without saying that you have my support.


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I have been here a long time and I know there have been several controversies. I seem to remember somethng about the incident you speak of but not a lot. I agree 100% with what Randy said. Often in the anger brought on by fear we say things that make others mad. Having lost someone myself I can totaly understand your husbands anger and frustration. There are many here who could relay my anger and my feelings about doctors I'm sure have put some people off.

Like someone else said you don't come here to be politically correct. You come here to give and receive support. Despite a few problems and people who are not as understanding this is still the best place to come for that support. Too many have dropped out that we don't hear about. Please don't become one of the drop outs permanently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheryl, I too wasn't on this board until November 2006. I have no idea what happened - however I would be frustrated also to be only offered a brain MRI every 18 monthes. Sometimes getting help from the medical profession and advise is like pulling teeth unless you are firm and strong with your intentions. My husband had alot of cancer and with alot of his treatment we had to push for what he got - he probably lived an extra couple of monthes because of that. This board is helpful cause it gives you experience as well as treatment patterns and plans to use, summarize and take to your medical team when discussing treatment and planning. If your health is getting worse I do so hope that you will continue to use this board. My husband passed at the age of 42 and I being the same age plan on staying on this board even though I have no real purpose to now - in order to offer my help and experience to others in my area and that were experiencing the same circumstances as my husband.


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For all,

Cheryl has a LOT of information to share.... Clinical trials, Holistic, Brain just to name a few. The past is the past and is gone, we love her...

Cheryl, please don't go away, stay and share it's so important; she is a BLESSING...Thank you for sharing the last few years of your treatments with me. You were truly missed and the incident is not for others...It's a new day!!!


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Wow, Cheryl, this is all quite a surprise. I don't know you as well as some of the other members, since our posting paths have not crossed very often. According to the info under your photo, you joined (I guess that should be RE-joined?) about a week before I first discovered the LCSC. But if you live in Dallas and love animals, that's two big points in your favor right there! I grew up in West (a few miles north of Waco) and got my college education in Denton back when the school was called North Texas State College.

From your profile I know you've had quite a battle on your hands the past few years, and from some of the above responses I gather you've been a tremendous help to others even as you dealt with your own health issues. Your strength of character made that possible. But at the same time I must admit I was taken aback (words like "insulted" and "offended" are not in my vocabulary) by statements such as "I have been tossed to the side by you members" or "I will do all of you a great favor by leaving" which appear to paint everyone with the same brush whether deserved or not. Some of the people who responded seemed to be walking on eggshells for some reason, but I won't do that.

I won't do that because I believe you'll understand that what I have to say is offered with the best of intentions and with no ill feeling towards anyone and without any know-it-all illusions on my part. What I want to say is this: I firmly and intensely believe that stereotyping, painting everyone with the same brush, lumping them all together, is profoundly destructive on any number of levels -- between people, between families, between races, between nations, even between worlds if we come to that. As a counselor you may have said the same thing to others. Please consider the effect of your words and don't do it, I implore you.

With my best wishes and Aloha,


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First of all, I want to thank everyone who responded to my post. Many of you had some very nice things to say. I have received many PMs and am sorry I can't respond to them as management still deems it necessay to lock my responding abilities. I have managed to talk with some by E-mail and want to thank them for their responses as well.

To clarify, Ned, if you would have read the first line of my post, your reply wouldn't have been necessary. I stated " for the people I know on this board"... In no way was I "painting everyone with a broad brush" (as you put it). Please do not try to put words in my mouth. Ned, I have never met you and this post was not directed to you. I'm sorry that you didn't like the fact that I used the words "insulted and offended", but that's how I felt about the people I had been talking to since 2003. That's just it, people come here for support to be able to deal with this disease and if they say the wrong thing, they are attacked. And some, want to put words in your mouth. I've even heard some say that they were intimidated to come on this board. Where is there room for that? That's the kind of thing that takes place in blogs, ect., not a cancer board, for crying out loud. This is not a blog and shouldn't be treated as one.

I will say this, there are a lot of good folks on here that I do know. Some come to mind, Karen 335.. What a survivor with a heck of a lot of knowledge to share. KarenI in Australia, I remember how hard it was for your Father. Sorry I couldn't reply to you all. Alisa and her beatiful boys in New York, Sue and all she has had going on and the rest of you that were with me in my early stages. Even RandyW., what a nice guy with solid "true blue intentions. Don't know Randy, but in reading some of his responses, he is the real deal. Don't run him off.

Yes Connie, I am still "lurking". I submitted a post and was checking my replies. Thats how this board works, right? Sorry you felt compelled to let everyone know how many times I have been logging on. So much for hiding my online status. Not a whole lot of privacy going on there. I am not a 10 year cancer survivor. I am right in the middle of a major fight. More brain mets have come up and some that may not be treatable. I'm scared, sorry. I have had 3 mini strokes in the last 20 days. I can't enjoy the feeling of taking life for granted. I can't play games. I'm tired and don't have energy to fight anything else but this cancer, and that's taking it's toll.

I really don't have anything else to say, this has all been so trying. I wish everyone, and that means everyone on this board, the best of luck in their fight against this awful disease.

My best,


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Pleae know you are special anD in my prayers and thoughts each day!!!

Stay strong and keep believing,I love ya...

Gentle Hugs,,,

P.S. Have you considered cyberknife for the brain tumors?

Check out cyberknifesupport.com

Let me know what I can do to help...

Karen :?::)

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Cheryl and all concerned,

I know what a tough time you are going through right now. My heart is breaking for you and I hope there are still other options available to you.

It's a shame that a method of receiving support (pm's), when it is needed the most, has been shut-down by some of the very same people who have posted above.

If people who care about Cheryl want to communicate one on one with her, you can pm her and include your email address. She can read your pm's but has been locked out of responding. She can then email you.

Whatever has happened in the past, these boards should be a place of comfort and support for EVERYONE or it fails miserably in its mission. People should feel free to post their real feelings and struggles without fear of c ensorship, banishment, or being ignored. Also, Big-Brother has no place on these boards and it creeps me out to think that someone actually has the ability to monitor other's activity or worse yet, that they DO monitor. (I know, I know -- it is a bulletin board, but geez...)

I wish everyone the best, this is a hard fight and we all come to it from many different perspectives and backgrounds. All should be welcome and I hope I am not penalized myself by posting from my gut. This is who I am and I'm not in a personal situation to feel that what I post should be sanitized in any way, shape, or form. I speak from my heart. I never mean to offend, but I am a plain spoken person and this post seemed obvious in light of Cheryl's pain. I refuse to ignore the elephant in the middle of the room. I am sorry if that offends anyone -- it is truly not meant to. I've never been known in my whole life to shy away from standing up. As Popeye says, "I yam what I yam". :wink:

Those of you who have taken the time to know me, know that I have a good heart.


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Hi Cheryl. I'm glad you clarified your post for those that don't know you, although I knew just what you meant and support you!

I'm glad to have you back posting as you've helped so many over the years.

I pray for successful treatment for you also.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks again for all of the nice remarks and the many E-mails. As a few of you already know, I am now entering a trial using the venom of the Scorpion from the Sinai Desert. They will be using the radioactive material that is used in treating Thyroid conditions in hopes that it will transferv the venom to the brain tumors. I am very tired and canot type very fast. Just thought I owed the many E-mailers an answer to how I was doing. The trial starts tomorrow.

Thanks again,


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Once again I am amazed at you Cheryl. And Again i have to say THANK YOU for continuing to be a PIONEER in cancer research by participating in ANOTHER CLINICAL TRIAL!!!!! I will say extra prayers for you that you do have success in this trial.

Because of the people that do participate in trials, Lung caqncer research can continue to improe and learn and try to reach the point that so many other cancers have already achieved.


PRayers and Hugs for great news to come of this trial.


For more info about this trial in General click on below.....

http://news.independent.co.uk/sci_tech/ ... 773193.ece

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I'm so sorry you've had that experience. I personally always looked forward to seeing your posts and knowing how you were doing. I often talked to Bill about you. Now that I read your post, I'm thinking perhaps you might have contacted him when he was "under fire" at one point.

I hope that you stay and find support. I would hope that no one would feel they couldn't post. My Bill upset a lot of people at one point too. He decided not to post also, but for different reasons.

Sometimes an online community can be like any other, and people might feel left out or ganged up on. I'm hoping that you might feel differently now.

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Hi Cheryl,

I hope the trial has great results for you. I wanted to post and let you know that you're the reason I requested an MRI 10 months after my initial "clean" one at diagnosis. It showed an asymptomatic 6mm met. I wanted to thank you for that, and let you know that you've helped me in that way.


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