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Mom diagnosed last week


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Hello. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, while my mom was under going various tests. Last week, her biopsy came back positive for cancer. She has a 4 cm tumor in her upper left lung.

Today, we went to two appointments and found out that it's stage three and she is not a candidate for surgery. An appointment with an oncologist will be tomorrow.

I am falling apart. I am an only child, of a single parent. I feel really lucky to have found these message boards. I have been feeling very alone and reading these boards makes me feel less alone and much more informed.

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It is so easy to be overwhelmed at first. The diagnosis is so frightening. But you will read many positive stories here and learn that you can fight this disease. Read my mom's profile at the bottom of this page for once story. She was diagnosed at stage IV last January and is doing great now. Hang in there,


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Welcome. Sorry to hear about your Mom's Dx. As others have already said, it's really scary in the beginning. I found that the more I learned about cancer in general and about NSCLC, the less anxious I became. Still scared, but controllable. Do let us know about the Onc visit and what she/he suggests doing. Best wishes


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I am so sorry about your mom. Let us know what her stage and treatment plan is once you know. I am also an only child and I know how hard it is when everything is your responsibility. I hope you have some good friends that will help you out and support you.


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I too am an only child and close to my mom.

Did they tell you if surgery could be an option in the future? I know a lot of people who are Stage III and had chemo before surgery.

Are you comfortable with where your mom is being treated? My parents both are treated by oncologist Dr Neil Barth in Newport Beach and we would highly recommend him to people in the area. You are not that far in Pasadena.

Keep us posted. You are not alone.

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Thank you so much to all of the positive responses! It does make me feel better to read so many inspirational personal stories. Thank You!

I actually got some better news today. It is still inoperable, but we found out that there is a small chance that it might be completely curable with a chemo/radiation combination. However, my mom is having a PET scan next week, to make sure that the stage three diagnoses, isn't really a stage four. On a whole, it was the most positive doctor's appointment that we have gone to. She is starting Chemo next week and we really like the doctors/nurses and hospital. Things are looking a little bit up for now!

Thank you again for listening to me.

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Welcome. I see you were a night owl at 2:00 in the morning posting! You need to get some good rest and it is so encouraging to read that you like the medical team tending to your Mom. That makes a huge difference in everyone's stress levels.....

I think you will find the people here to be the most supportive, loving, group of on-line 'friends' that truly understand your concerns and fears.

Nice to meet you,


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I'm glad you got some better, more hopeful news during your last appointment.

This "inoperable" thing doesn't necessarily mean what many people assume it means. Surgery might still be technically possible, and could remove all detectable traces of cancer from the immediate vicinity, but if there's a chance the cancer may have escaped into the bloodstream (indicated by suspicious areas elsewhere or by a malignant pleural effusion), surgery could not be done with "curative intent" and chemo (sometimes combined with targeted radiation) is needed instead. This would be the case with stages IIIB and IV. In some cases surgery is feasible AFTER completion of chemo.

Best wishes and Aloha,


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Hi Karen

I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My Mom was dx in September, and I remember how difficult it was to deal with. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well as your mother. Mom was also stage 3 inoperable, but she is responding really well to her chemo and radiation.

Take care,


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