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Back from my sojourn in VT!


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Hi everyone, just got back today from a 6 week stay in VT.

Email was something to fall asleep waiting for as we were staying beside a lake where even the fm radio staion broke up and that's coming from all of 15 miles away :lol: Only in VT eh?

Richard was working - out of his so called retirement which was supposed to be June 07!! I got to catch up with my friends and watch a duck teach her very small (but fast growing ) ducklings the way of the lake. I shall miss watching the lake change and my friends but that's about it.

I am feeling better than I have in over a year, more energy,I breathe better, walk faster(almost back to old normal speed), I lost another 12 lbs while away for a total of 40 to pre hospital stay and 60 in total............only problem I lost this weight so fast( 50 lbs in 2 weeks) that I now resemble a helium ballon a foot off the floorand past it's prime :lol::wink:

I have a CT and mamogram next week and then an echocardiogram and see the cardiologist in August - hopefully good news from both him and the oncologist and everything will be golden.

So, all in all life is pretty good right now. I'm looking forward to changing this house into our home at last and getting out and about in MA. If I don't post for a while it's because I'm out there enjoying being able to go out at last.........if I have any problems I'll be sure to get it posted by someone.

In the meantime, don't worry about me - sorry I left you wondering this time - It's so nice to be back in the real world that time just slips away............let's see that's laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and all those mundane things that have been the bane of my life forever :lol::lol: Can't wait for life to be boring again!

By the way I have a double edged sword re my chemo side effects this time - my finger nails are stil incapable of growing (until my lc they were always my proud posession) BUT and it's a big but my eyelashes grew back to twice the length!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must be feeling better I'm feeling shallow and vain! :lol::lol::lol:

I'll be reading if not posting, so take care.


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Geri: It's so nice to be back in the real world that time just slips away............let's see that's laundry, ironing, grocery shopping and all those mundane things that have been the bane of my life forever :lol::lol: Can't wait for life to be boring again!

Hi, Geri and welcome back.

I know what you mean by the "real world.... the boredom of it sure beats the "new normal." :D

Good luck with your upcoming tests.


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Great to see you back girlfriend. You have been through so much and its soooo good to see your beautiful smiling face and you are doing so much better.

That's the news I want to here! :mrgreen:

Maryanne :wink:

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So glad to hear you are feeling better and out and about some now. It tickled me to hear you say your fingernails would not grow. That is a great sign. Now you are paying attention to how you look as well as feel. That's the woman in you proudly showing your head. I am so happy to see you are getting back to normal. When I finally decided to think about my eyelashes and hair, I knew I was on the road to recovery. Welcome back.


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My internet was out a couple days and I'm still getting caught up. Can't tell you how good it is to see your smiling face and better yet, you are sounding good. You've been in my thoughts and prayers and you continue to be. Please let us know all test and scan results and do check in when you can. Take care .

God Bless,


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