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A bit of a set back...


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Monday I had a regularly scheduled appt with my oncologist to learn the results of my quarterly PET scan done 10-5-09. My quarterly PET has revealed a new tumor in my left upper lobe. I would estimate it to be about the size of my thumb. Without biopsy we're unable to determine if this is the same type of cancer or not, that I had in the right lung and adrenal gland. That said, it's no doubt that it is a cancer so we'll let the boys in the lab poke sticks at it AFTER we cut it out. I meet with the thoracic surgeon at 1:30 PM today and with the pulmonologist at 2:15 PM tomorrow. I continue to believe that aggressive treatment is the way to go when it's an option, so I'm doing everything I can to expedite the surgery to remove it. It is near the periphery of the lung so the potential for surgical complications should be much less than that of the original tumor. I will let the oncologist, surgeon and pulmonologist determine if they can remove only the section of lung containing the tumor or if they'll need to remove the whole lobe. it's the largest of the lobes, so I hope they can just wedge out the affected area but ultimately, I will rely on their advice for this particular decision. These three are all experts with excellent intelligence and excellent common sense and even after knowing them for a couple years now, I still like and respect all three very much.

The oncologist and I haven't discussed much about follow up therapies, but I feel confident that we'll do something, even if it's just Avastin therapy once I get healed up. We'll see. A lot will depend on the biopsy report.

On another note, my stomach continues to show "warm" on the PET scans. I had an endoscopic ultrasound done a month ago to see what was going on with it, but the gastroenterologist said everything looked perfect from endoscopic visual and ultrasonic exams. Time will eventually tell.

That's it. I'll do my best to update as appropriate.

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I'm really sorry to hear this! I had somewhat the same experience, tho. About a year and a half after my first surgery/chemo (staged 1B) a 2.8 cm tumor was found in the other upper lobe. I saw the surgeon and pulmonary specialist ASAP. The surgeon ordered a PET scan first and, of course, it lit up. Three weeks after the bad-news scan, I had surgery to remove the lobe. I decided to followup with chemo again. The Onc. and surgeon called it a new primary. My first surgery was in June 2003 and the second one in Nov. 2004. I'm doing fine and I'm sure you will too.

Sorry for the setback. I'll be sending positive vibes your way. Let us know your surgery date.


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Dang Will, and I thought you just took a second to stop in the Air and say hi. Well now, you sound like you're on top of things there so we'll just wait for your updates. I'm with Ned on the hope for a new primary. Muriel has done so well for so long and we know you will too. Still, it's no fun facing another round with this disease. Hang in there guy.

Judy in Key West

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Home and doing GREAT!

Surgeon was able to remove about a one inch diameter adenocarcinoma via thorocoscopy and wedge resection, leaving most of the left upper lobe in place. Surgeon believes it to be a new primary, pulmonologist believes it to be additional secondary. Oncologist hasn't weighed in on that yet. Will be scheduling appt with oncologist ASAP to hammer out a forward plan. Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes. There is no question in my mind that those prayers are what enables me to do so well.

Will update after talking to onc.

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That's great news, Will. I had surgery twice (18 mo. apart) and I never decided which would be best - a new primary or recurrence. Oncs couldn't decide which I had for a while, but now (5 yrs. after the second surgery) they're calling it a new primary.

Hope you have a quick recovery! Remember to take your pain pills before you start hurting 'cuz they work better that way.

Sending more prayers.


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Great news Will that the surgery went so good. Hopefully the recovery will continue as good and you get that plan in place. I agree with Muriel about not waiting too long for the pain meds.

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Will, thanks so much for updating us so soon after surgery. Guess you were afraid that with so many of us hanging, the thread would break lol! Glad you came through with so much of the lobe intact. Another primary, another secondary--whichever, we know you'll come through with flying colors. Let us know when they have that plan in place. Hope you have minimal pain.

Judy in Key West

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