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New Cancer Patient - Good News I think

Dave Eveler

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Hello -

I was recently diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. I am currently undergoing tests to determine if it has spread. The GOOD NEWS (I hope) is the fact that I broke some ribs two weeks ago, had left ribs X-Rayed, and a very alert radiologist noticed a spot on my right lung. My doctor has told me that the fact that the cancer was detected so early means I may have a good chance of becoming a lung cancer survivor.

I wish to thank my brother-in law, Herb Karlip, for informing me of this website. He said he has a good friend friend Kasey who would be on the site. That gave me a feeling of some sort of personal connection to others who have this or a similar situation.

I have had a lot of tests done in the last few days and I need to have a PET/CT scan done on Monday. I will then talk with the doctors on Tuesday to see what the plan will be.

Thank LUNGevity for being here.

It helps to connect with others who share this situation.


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Hi Dave!!!! Sorry to have to meet you here. Hopefully there will be lots more folks stopping by to welcome you and offer support. Being diagnosed early is a very good sign. I know there are small cell survivors here - sure hope they find you and respond. I found this support site 6-1/2 years ago when my doctors told me I had no light at the end of my tunnel. And here I am all thee years later. Please be sure to keep us all updated as your treatment schedule unfolds. Many here can help you with questions you may have.


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Good to meet you, but sorry for the reason. The others are right - early diagnosis is extra-beneficial. Let us know if you have any questions - someone here usually knows the answers, has the right shoulder at the right time. Hope to hear more good news from you soon.


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Welcome Dave,

Starting this journey on a positive note is good news indeed. As everyone has said, early detection is most certainly in your favor. We look forward to hearing more from you. You have most certainly found the right place to be for knowledge and support. Whether you are looking for answers to certain questions or just an understanding ear, we are here.



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Hello Dave. Welcome here from me too! So glad your friend pointed you here. I didn't know about this site when I went through my stuff, but am so glad I found it now! The people here are amazing. You sound very positive, which is huge in getting through whatever it may be. keep us updated!

Judy in MI

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Hi Dave,

Welcome,glad you can join us,sorry about the circumstances though,my buddy Robert Lowe,dxd with SCLC was given two months to live,family were sent for,as he was very poorly during his treatments,guess what, that was in 1993,since he developed NSCLC in 2007,had further treatments,now the UKs longest dual lung cancer survivor,also at the age of 71,is the UKs youngest teenager,having the time of his life,I am only to glad to share my time with him,always makes me laugh.I wish you well with your treatments and hope you will stay around and give us your patter.

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Tests in recent days have confirmed small cell lung cancer on lower lobe - right lung, and two small spots in lymph nodes at esophagus entry point to right lung. The plan now includes Chemo (Three days - every 21 days - four treatments) for the lung, and Radiation (5 days a week - 7 weeks) for the nodes by the esophagus.

Doctor still says I have a 90% chance of recovery.

Thank all who have posted - I am less than overjoyed to have to be here, but knowing there are so many others in this fight is helpful.

Good luck ... Best of luck, to you all.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.


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Sounds like they have a plan in place for you. 90% is great but whatever number they give you, we know your chances of recovery are terrific. Keep us posted about the chemo and radiation. The odds are good someone here has had the same or similar treatment and can help with side-effects.

Judy in KW

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Dave, yes this is the place where no one wants to be, but we're glad you found us. Congrats, it sounds like very good news. Keep us updated on how your treatments are going.

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Hi Dave, sorry to welcome you here but glad you found us.

I was dx with limited sclc (in my lower left lobe) in November 2001, chemo and radiation took care of everything and I haad a clear PET in May 2002.

Take it all one day at a time and stay with me on the green side of the sod.

Nice to meet you.


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I also want to welcome you here Dave but like everyone said, sorry to had to find us.

So glad they found it early and I know the treatments will work for you. Keep a positive attitude as that is half the battle...

Please know that we are here for you for questions, support, prayers or just to vent.

Having Kasey on your side is a major plus... she is an incredible inspiration.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Dave I have little experience and no wisdom to offer here as I have not been officially diagnosed as yet but do want to offer you my support and best wishes for a NED finding!

3/4/11 Bad cold lasting a week.

3/10/11 Coughed up blood clot.

3/11/11 Primary dr said bad bronchitis, ordered Xray.

3/14/11 Mass on X-ray

3/17/11 Cat scan. Showed 6 x 6 cm mass on hilar region, 2 x 1 mass in mediastinum, lymphadenectomy.

4/4/11 Bronchoscopy. Unsuccessful.

Scheduled for needle biopsy 4/14/11.

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Hi Noonstar,

Welcome,almost missed your post,sorry about your dx,please feel at home and share with us your journey,I am sure there are many here who will lighten your burden.Best wishes for your treatments.God bless.

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