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Lucie's Valentine Trip

Don Wood

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We have two kids in the Houston area (Jim and Frances) and the youngest (Randy) is in Dallas. Lucie had not been to Randy's home since her diagnosis 16 months ago, and she was anxious to go. We are planning a trip to Scotland in May, so she really needs to get out and build up her stamina. She has gone back to water aerobics -- went twice this past week -- so that has been good. She looks good, feels good.

So, for Valentine's, we drove up to Dallas (about 4 hours) on Friday. The weather was drizzly in the Houston area, but just overcast in the Dallas area. So the drive was fine. Lucie got to see the new things our son has done for his house and we went out to dinner together. It was a nice evening.

Saturday morning, we awoke to snow! It was sooo beautiful! We went out and walked in it for a while. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Lucie got the traditional roses and heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's.=, but the trip was her greatest thrill. She did well.

Saturday, we went shopping and then out to dinner again that night. Our son has a hot tub in his back yard so we actually went in the hot tub while it was snowing! Crazy, huh? It was a blast.

And Sunday, when it was time to return to Houston, the sun was out, most of the snow was gone, and the roads were dry. So we had a nice drive home. It was truly a gift -- the visit, the snow, the peace. And she did so well, we are encouraged to move forward with plans for May.

We have sent a new picture to Rick which hopefully can be used to update us. It shows us in the Dallas snow. How blessed can we be? Don

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Oh Don, you know that all those great things lining up with your trip was just a coincidence ;)

(Or is there something more to it that that? ) I think you & I both know the answer to that.

great news, thanks for making us a part of your joyful experience...


Roman 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose"

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Hi Don and Lucie,

Wow, what an AWESOME picture. Lucie, you don't look like a lady that has been through chemo/rad for anykind of cancer let alone lung cancer. YOU GO GIRL!!

Hey Don? How would you like to jump in a hottub in Minnesota get your hair wet and have it FREEZE as your sitting in the hottub??? :roll::roll:

It's a HOOT! Can you believe that HOTTUBS OUTSIDE are a big thing in Minnesota????? :shock::shock:

So very happy to hear your trip was so wonderful. I wish you BOTH continued GOOD HEALTH! YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!!!

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Guest Karen C

Don - I LOVE the new photo - you both look terrific! Wow, Lucie's doing water aerobics, that's great! What a wonderful weekend, and thanks for sharing it with us!

Karen C.

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What a wonderful Valentine's Day. Everything sounded perfect, the dinners out, the snow, the hot tub.

I am so glad you had this special weekend and are looking forward to Scotland. The water aerobics sound like a wonderful idea for a low impact workout to build some stamina. Go Lucie!

Nice new picture too!

Blessings to you both,


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The story of your weekend and the new picture of you and Lucy made my day. When I think of love, I think of the two of you --how the strength of your togetherness has inspired so many of us here! Give Lucy a hug for me. I am so glad you two had the gift of this weekend and I am sure it was a gift for your children too. Thanks for sharing it with us!


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