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Any extra sunshine?


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Okay all you Floridian/Texan/Southern Cal. bronzed bathing beauties - STOP HOGGING ALL THE SUNSHINE! I am so damn sick of snow! We have had more snow in Michigan this year than I can remember in previous years....normally, it's a snowfall, a thaw, a snowfall, a thaw, an ice storm, a snowfall and then it's spring... What IS this crap? I mean, I expected it to stick around when I lived in Alaska (and believe me, it did), but this?!? I used to call my mother from AK and she'd tell me that they were out "in short sleeves" in late February while I was dealing with 8 feet of white....

C'mon already, I wanna see the fruits of my labors last year...I wanna see my croccus, daffodils, tulips and irises pop their little heads out - heck, I'm even game for DANDELIONS if it'll get this white crap off my lawn and out of my driveway!

...and I'm tired of being cold. Cuddling for romance is nice, not being able to warm up is NOT (so tell me, what IS all this body fat for if it's not keeping me warm?).

...and then there's the walking. I HATE walking at the gym, I want to get out on the path through the woods - it's SOOO much easier to walk for miles when the scenery changes and the smells are better than a bunch of testosterone junkies around the weight machines (EW!) - the track at our health center goes around all the sweaty guys and I MUST be getting old cuz they aren't even interesting to look at... :roll:

Guess I have a good ol' fashioned case of cabin fever...and it's really no wonder that the ol' sourdoughs were known to go off the deep end every now and then and kill their cabin mates - I'm REALLY beginning to understand those urges...

So, please, if you have the robins, mail 'em up here and get spring on the way....save my family! :shock:

I'll be okay, really....just hand me the chocolate and no one gets hurt....

Rant over, but I'm still cold and have a view of a snow-covered chemical plant....ah, heaven... :?


aka Psycho Snowflake

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Well Becky....I'm in Florida but can't help you out much this week. It's been very overcast for the last two days and the highs in the mid to upper 60's! I know how you must feel, as I miss our sunshine after only a couple of days!! Hey Gal...there is much sunshine coming your way!!!!! As soon as it manages to peek through all "my" clouds here in Florida, I'll send it up your way!!!

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We missed out on the snow that hit Dallas over the weekend. Well, not entirely true--snow fell here, but melted before it hit the ground because it was exactly 32 degrees out during that part of the storm Saturday morning. We live in a place where snow happens once every few years, and every such occasion gets talked about for YEARS afterward. Right now out my office window the sun is shining, the temperature is in the low 50's and it is BEAUTIFUL. My daughter asks every day when it is going to snow again so she can throw snowballs at grandpa. (She saw snow when we went to Kansas in December. She might not see it again until the next time she goes to Kansas in winter.)

By the way, what did the groundhog have to say this year? I had an officemate in grad school who always kept me posted about that important detail, but she left me out of the loop this year.


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Boy do I hear you Becky. John (AKA Jack Benny) has been screaming about how high the heat bill is cause I keep turning it up. I can't seem to get warm. We are using our wood stove more this year than we have in the last ten and it's still cold. But as I write this, the sun is out so I hope you are seeing it where you are...

Hang in there, party at my house this summer. :P


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Good ole Phil will always see his shadow because of all the lights from the TV crews.

So there you have, the media can influence everything else, why not the weather.

I'm with you Becky, I am so sick of cold and snow I could scream. Actually, on Sunday, there was a small clear space where I hadn't cut back all the perennials. So I did it bundled up like an Eskimo. But it felt sooooooooooooo good to be outside playing in the dirt.

I keep an ongoing record of sunrise and sunset times because I hate the dark. I believe when it is dark, you are to be in your jammies. Winter is dark and cold. I hate it.


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I am in Georgia and have not seen the sun for a week.I think we all have spring fever after reading several posts this morning.We haven't had snow but if it is going to be cold and cloudy I wouldn't mind a few flakes to play around in with the kids.So send some of the snow my way and I will return sunshine if we get any.Hopefully all of us will get lots of sunshine soon.I know it effects the way I feel and after having lived in Maine for a couple of years I also know what all that snow and ice can do to bring you down.I find myself surfing the web looking at beach and waterfall photographs and it helps sometimes.Take care and have fun.TBone

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I wish I could send you some sun as Ann said, but we haven't been too sunny either. However we are having a low of 64 tomorrow. BRRRR I know my mom's always on me about rubbing it in. But, We get HOT, in the 90's in late spring. I love the Winters, but summers are hot.

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Dear Becky,

Will sympathize with you a little but, you have to wonder why anyone (except Eskimos and moose) would want to live much further north than NC in the first place. T-bone is certainly right about Hotlanta. For every one sunny day, there is least two cloudy days followed by maybe two rainy days, followed by two more cloudy days, plus it is cold. Needless to say, depressing. Guess looking at brown grass beats looking at white ground.

Georgia has it's version of Phily Phil named General Beauregard Lee at Stone Mountain. The good news from him which ever he did (see or not) , it seems backwards to me, we will not have six more weeks of winter. We can all hope he knows best.

God bless us all,


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Okay, so I'm just on a tear and NOTHING seems to be giving in the glum department today...

So, here's a little more light on the situation...

Once upon a time, I was a world traveler. My daddy was a Navy man and I lived around the world. I spent two years on an island in the Atlantic where it NEVER snowed, even though it was technically cold enough to. I lived in Germany for three years (yep, snows there). Spent two years in Panama (NOT Panama City, FL, two miles from the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal), and spent YEARS on Ft. Meade in Maryland. Dad retired/returned to Michigan in 1983 and I've been here since, minus a few trips out:

First husband joined the Army five years into our marriage. Spent a summer in Augusta, GA, then three years in Fairbanks, AK.

SO, I have to admit that I prefer the seasons to change. I LIKE winter, I LIKE snow - but only want it the week between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve and the Rockwell painting kind, NOT the bone-chilling, negative number, car doesn't want to start crap that we are now experiencing. One of my favorite sights is a new croccus blooming in a melting patch of snow... I DON'T like the view of dead/dormant grass, would prefer white of snow over brown... BUT, I'm TIRED of it already! Move on, new season...c'mon SPRING!

Waitin' for the robins to come back....

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Gosh, I hate to be a spoilsport, but my crocuses are blooming! I LOVE Oregon!

On the other hand, the two weeks of snow and ice that kicked off 2004 caused me to slam into a curb and bend the frame of my car to the tune of $500. And that was very little fun.

So now it's back to the usual damp Oregon spring weather. But those little yellow crocuses give me something to hope for!

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Awwwww, David A -- THAT oughta make her feel better!

Becky, I really can't help you out. Here in So. Calif., it was a horrid 52 degrees this morning when I left the house and was only supposed to get up into the 70s by mid-day. (I never left the office, so I can't vouch for that.) And tomorrow it's supposed to RAIN. (What's the world coming to?)

Sorry... :roll:


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