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Good News Bad News again. My lungs look good, lymph node are shrinking but liver is getting worse. Mets have grown in number and size. New treatment will be looked at for this week so we shall see.

Ain't done yet folks!!!! Thanks for the prayers and good wishes!

Love ya all,


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Darn it, Mo. You've been up and down with this a lot haven't you? In spite of it all, you always seem to be in such good spirits. You can tell Who your hope is in. Our God IS an awesome God!, isn't He? Is the liver what has been causing your pain lately, trip to ER, etc.? Keep us posted on your next steps, hug that cute little grandson, keep praying, and we'll keep praying, too.

God bless you, Mo!


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Guest Billie


Boy, oh boy! It's always up and down with this stuff, isn't it? There is good news, though and we're thankful for that. Praying that the doc finds a new treatment that will zap those liver mets into oblivion.


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Glad there;s good news on all the other fronts. Sorry to hear about the liver mets. I hope there is an effective chemo, and they find it soon.

God bless you for being a good spirited and kind hearted individual.

You're much loved around here.

I'm glad you and your grandson managed to have such a grand adventure last week. The boy must have been tickled, cause you sure sounded like you had fun.

Angels watching over all of us,

and prayers going up for all of us.



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You just keep getting slammed, just not fair. Earl has liver mets and the dr. keeps saying his shelf isn't empty for more treatments.

You have the best attitude and an amazing will to fight. Youth and good looks don't hurt either.

Somehow you will turn this sow's ear into a silk purse.

I am praying big time for you.


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You are in my prayers for the mets to just disappear. Has anyone looked into RFA for the liver mets. RfA was originally approved by the FDA for liver met removal. It might be something you might want to take a look at and talk to you doctor. Since it is approved by FDA, I would think insurance would pay for the procedure... If you ask your doctor, please let us know his response... Prayers always.



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Aww Mo,

Seems like you just keep getting hit with mixed news. I hope they find something quickly and that your pain goes away fast. I love your attitude.....always upbeat and looking at the bright side. Keep on keeping on as we say in the south. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily.


aka Nushka

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I thought about you before I took my recent trip. I wasn't sure if I could make it. You inspire me daily. I thought to myself...."Get up and move, do what ever you need to do for yourself and live!!!!"

I am sorry about the mets, but girl you are too busy to stop living! Live your life to the max. You amaze me!!!! Always in my prayers.


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