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Guest Margaret Rama

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Guest Margaret Rama

Greetings to all:

I am new to this board. My younger sister has stage IV NSC Lung Cancer - Broneoalveolar (sp?). It metastisized to her brain and she also has suffered a stroke. She has been on Gemzar/Carboplatin, Iressa, and two other types of chemo. Has had brain radiation and a gamma knife treatment. Recently she has started coughing up blood. Onc now has her on a treatment of Gemzar/Navelbine. Has anyone had any success with this chemo. She is only 49 and was diagnosed in May, 2002.

With every step she takes forward, she seems to take two backwards.

Hopefully, this chemo will help, without too many side effects.

Any feedback you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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welcome to the family. I don't have any information on that particular chemo. both of my parents had/have lc but moms was NSC and dads is SC. I know someone here will always have the information you seek and I am praying that this works well for your sister.

this is the rollercoaster from hell and were all on this ride together. BUT todether we can conquer it.

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I took Iressa, but no other chemo so I cannot help you with your questions (sorry)...

BUT, welcome to the family. Support I CAN do.

Stop in often, you're sure to get answers to your questions eventually....


aka Snowflake

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Dear Margaret,

Welcome to the family where you will find much needed support, hope and information. I am sorry your sister is going through so much. The roller coaster of cancer has many ups and downs. I will pray this new chemo regime will be very successful.

My mom received Gemzar, it was in conjunction with Taxotere. She suffered severe shortness of breath and her oncologist thought it was due to the Gemzar, so he took her off. It was actually due to the cancer. Prior to her passing, she received two doses of Navelbine. Unfortunately for my mom, the cancer was too aggressive and nothing was successful. I do know that there are others here that have remained stable on Gemzar.

The one thing to remember is cancer is different in every individual.

What may not be successful for some has brought remission for others.

Below is a list of chemos that someone on the board sent me that they researched. Prayers for your sister.

CPT-11 with gemzar

gemzar alone.

CPT-11 alone.



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Hi Margaret,

My real name is Margaret, too, but I have used my nickname all my life, which is Peggy. Here's a great big warm welcome to you to this forum. I think you are really going to love it here.

My husband had gemzar/navelbine on his last round of chemo. He really did very well with this combination, except for fatigue, which is normal with any chemo. The only thing that was any problem at all was getting a big enough vein to take the navelbine. Navelbine is a vein irritant and it's injected directly into the vein, not by IV. They always had to heat up his arm with a heating pad, and sometimes it took several attempts to get a good vein to take it. It can't burn while it's going in or they have to stop it and try another spot. My husband is no baby and he would wince terribly and swing back in the chair from the burn when the vein wasn't right. Once they got a good, wide open vein, it was no problem.

Hope this helps. This can all be very scary for us who have loved ones going through this horrible nightmare, so please feel free to come here whenever you have questions, concerns or just want to vent.

God bless you,


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Welcome Margaret,

A more supportive site on the net you will not find!! I am glad you found us. I am also going through this being a caregiver to my brother so I know how very painful this battle is. I have no answers for you but I am sure someone will. Please come here often as you will need the support and knowledge and wit of this great big family. Your sister and you are in my prayers. God Bless

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I am so sorry you have to be here on behalf of your sister. I am familiar with her subtype of adenocarcinoma - bronchioalveolar (BAC for short) as I also have it. While it is adenocarcinoma it does respond a bit differently to some chemotherapy so please make sure her oncologist is familiar with BAC specifically. BAC will sometimes all of a sudden respond to treatment and stop and become stable or slow down significantly - I hope that happens quickly for your sister. In any case, we are here.

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Hello Margaret,

Welcome to the board. I can't add any information, but I'd love to extend a friendly hand of welcome to your sister as well.

This is a rough ride but good supportive friends like the people here make one feel so much less isolated.

Prayers for you and your sister,



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From one sibling to another, welcome. My younger brother (DavidC) is fighting small cell lung cancer. I'm sorry your sister is fighting lung cancer, and will keep her in my prayers. I'm sure you will get a lot of support and good info from the folks here. Sorry you have to be here, but welcome.


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Hi.. I too have no answers, but want to welcome you. Post questions and post more questions... eventully, someone will come up with an answer for you. I know they always come up with something for my questions... which is at least 1 a day it seems like... Welcome again, and the greatest of luck!!


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