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Waiting for CT Scan results


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Dear all,

Geoff's mom had her second CT Scan last week (she has been through chest radiation concurrent with chemo and WBR in the interim).

She goes in to meet with the doctors to start another round of chemo tomorrow, and Geoff assumes that they will get the results then.

Prayers for them both (his whole family, actually), please.

I can't sleep I am so nervous...



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Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

I still have NOT heard from Geoff. I am sitting on my hands so I don't call him on his cell phone.

I know he would have called by now if he'd been happy about the news. They must have left the doctor's office a while ago...

My mom has called four times already to see if I've heard. I had to make her promise not to call and pester him. I told her he'd call me when he was ready to.

I feel sick.


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