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Saying Good-Bye for a While


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My friends,

I'm going to have to say good-bye to this wonderful website for a while. This website is like a good book - I can't put it down. But unfortunately, because of how much time I have spent with my dad the past five months, and because of this web site, I have terribly neglected my home and my job. I have NOT neglected my husband because I wait until he goes to bed before signing on here, but I have neglected everything else. My house has never looked like it does now. It is neglected in every crack and corner and clutter has accumulated everywhere. All my dad's papers and files need to be organized and put away, and I've just got to discipline myself to stay off the website until I get my life back in order. My job is the same way. I've had the same job for 18 years, and I have never been so out-of-control with my work. I'm behind on everything.

I don't know what's down the road with my husband, but I just know that I need to get some order back in my life and something has to go - so I'm afraid it's going to have to be LSCS for a while. Hopefully, I can get caught up to an acceptable point, both here and at work, and not feel guilty about participating again. I so much enjoy reading and writing to everyone. I especially love to write to all of you, and even though I'm a pretty fast typist, it still takes a lot of time. When I'm at work, I'm always sneaking and trying to check in, and it's really hurting my job.

I still plan to lurk so I can keep up, but I'm going to make some rules for myself and limit the time to like 15-20 minutes a day for lurking, and pick a certain time period or something and STICK TO IT. I won't post, though, unless I think I have something extremely valuable to share - ha - mostly what I do is jabber. I want to come back as soon as I can because I am truly addicted to this site and have fallen in love with all of you. I think this will motivate me to diligently get at my work and stick to it until I get caught up, and then I can start to participate again.

I'll miss talking to all of you, but I really HAVE to do this.

Love to all and GOD BLESS YOU!!


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Im right here with ya. I know that since finding out my dad has cancer in general, I seem to neglect alot of things... including my house. Come back when you feel its time. We could all use a break now and then. We'll miss ya, and we'll be waiting for your return!


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I totally understand where you are coming from. Here is a suggestion from my recent break where I lurked--if I saw a post that I felt I could give input to by responding, I would PM the person. I felt that was sticking to my rules of limiting my time and not being as obsessed.

And they say cigarettes are addicting, they should try LCSC. Brian laughs at me, he is like what could ahve changed in 5 minutes. I said who knows! :shock:

Thinking of yuo!

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OMG Peggy I could have written that myself. I too am behind in my paperwork for my job and my house does not get the attention it used to.

I have been trying a little every day to do a little bit more to catch up and get back on track. I am far from there yet but I will get there.

I will be praying for you, your husband and your son every day. Be well, get caught up and I, for one will miss you so very much!!

God Bless you my friend,


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OK, I will help... Peggy, no web board until your homework is done!! Only 15 minutes each evening until you get those grades up!!


We will miss you!!! I hope you dont forget us!! We will never forget you!!


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Sounds like a page out of my diary. I have so much I need to do, and nothing seems to get done. This board has been a lifesaver for me and I am drawn to it. I can't pass my office door (its in my house) without stopping in and it really shows around here. I have work to do and a house to clean and don't seem to do any of it. I am not giving up the board just yet but can certainly understand why you might. Take care of yourself and be sure and post any news of your husband. We will miss you but you can't be everything to all people. It just won't work.

I will keep you in my prayers.


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Don't blame yourself for the lack of housework and job-related work. Part of the caregiver job is a smidgeon (heheheh) of stress and stress can do weird things to your brain... For one, you can hear a deadline swoosh by and just not care...you are easily distracted and pulled off course...you forget things...

Yes, take the break, get things in order, but realize that the stress will ALWAYS be a part of your life, no matter what way the road leads and who is in the driver's seat.

Try to get more rest, do things that YOU enjoy - water therapy works for me and I'm now down to a very small shower stall with my dad at the computer on the other side (not exactly a soundproof "grief room") so I'M going looney (watch for my picture on the 6:00 news - mass murder in a small Michigan community... :shock: ). Take some Peggy time and refresh. Believe me, we ALL know where you're coming from!

If you need an immediate fix, call me. You have my number.

Love ya, girl!


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Peggy, Once again you mirror my thoughts. Please take care of yourself and know that I wish you and your husband the best. You can always e-mail me.


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Well, I'm probably going to pout while you're gone, Peggy...but I GUESS I understand. :(:wink:

Since I spend about 3 hours every morning sitting in this chair surfing here and a couple other places I frequent on the net...watching as dust bunnies join up with each other and create clouds the size of Long Island, frosted with dog hair...I can sorta identify with the need for some computer discipline.

Hey...speaking of dust, did you realize that dust is mostly shed skin cells?? It's true. You know, I betcha if I got down on the floor and looked under my bed, my sofa, my refrigerator.....it's quite possible I'd find a few more men around this house!! :shock:

In any case, hope you get caught up soon, Peggy and can head right back to us. Meantime...thoughts and prayers will be with you...and we'll save "your space" for you! :wink:

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Take the time you need but don't be gone too long. I really need to do the same but really need to be here during this chemo stuff. Someday soon I will handle the dust balls and dog hair. My yellow lab Mollie likes to sleep on the couch on her back, legs every which way too.

Take care of things but most of all take care of yourself and hurry back!

Love and hugs,


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I think I understand, Peggy. I hope you still check in daily for a minute or two. I know many of us need your posts. as you offer many things for us to think about and are encouraging. We care about you and your husband, too and please keep us posted on that.

Here's a whole bunch of fortitude headed your way.



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I know that feeling. It is a good addiction but one must do what one must do. Right now I have the laundry going and the busier went off about 15 minutes ago so the clothes coming out of the dryer are going to be wrinkled again because of this addiction, have a couple bills I need to write cks for but hey, what is more important right now. The dog is by the door, I had better let him out or we all know what will happen. Have a good time off, it is good for the soul to rest the mind. I have to hurry, he is scratching at the door now.....lol...

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Yeah, Peggy -- Good luck with that resolution! You can stay off this board. I've done it many times - heheheh - sometimes for a whole day! :wink:

Seriously, I understand how addicting it is. There are just so many of us and we have to keep up with everybody! It takes a lot of time. Like Norme, my laundry is waiting for me and I need to turn off the water out front, etc. etc.

Norme - you made a typo that I like -- describes it better. Instead of buzzer you typed busier -- I like that. Shut up dryer noise, I'm busier with something I like better. :lol:

Thanks for letting us know Peggy, so we won't worry. Look in on us now and then -- and hurry and get caught up! We'll miss you.


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You are a wonderful person and I will miss you - but you are not gone - just busy for a while. Good luck on the catchup. There was a time I made myself log off the net at 8 am and not log back on until 5 pm. That worked for me. We'll be thinking of you and really - best of luck. See you around now and then. Margaret

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