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The Light of My World Has Gone Out

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I am so very sorry that your mother lost this battle. Just know in your heart that you did the best for her and made her last days better than they could have ever been with anyone else caring for her. You gave to her out of love. That is the untimate gift.

When you are ready come to our forum "for those who have lost a loved one". There you will see that the thoughs and feelings that you have are not unique. There are many of us who understand and will help you in any way that we can.

God bless you and give you the stength that you will need in the coming days. Lillian

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I am so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. I want to tell you how much I admire what you have been doing for your mother for all of these months. It had to be hard on a man to watch his mother go down hill and have to take care of her most intimate needs. You are to be thanked for that. I will keep you in my thoughts.


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Dear Don,

Please know that TBone's clan has you in their hearts. Your mother got to that big fishing boat TBone bought this week just 30 minutes before TBone boarded for that ultimate fishing trip. I sure hope she likes to fish.



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