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Well I went to the surgeon that my onoc recommended me to see about RFA for my adrenal gland tumor. Great surgeon with an impressive resume. He does not want to do the RFA on the adrenal gland because it’s too close to other organs. RFA throws a lot of heat and can burn organs around the site that they are performing the RFA. He mentioned lazar surgery but he said because the tumor was not orig from the adrenal glad, then the tumor will be hard and would be at risk of breaking up and things would be worse. To keep the story short, he said he thinks we should go in and just remove the whole gland. He was the first doctor that explained the ct scan and showed us what the good adrenal gland looked like and what the one with the tumor looked like. WOW the bad one looks huge. So I agreed to remove the whole gland. I will be going under the knife Fri Sept 3rd. I was very happy when I left there but now I'm getting scared. I keep thinking about David A and how much we have in common. I got a mustang, he got a mustang. He started the chemo alimtia, I started the chemo alimtia. He went in for surgery I’m going in for surgery. He’s was 45 I will be 45 Sept 2nd. I getting so scared. This is something I am requesting to do. Its not that I don’t have a choice. My doc has done 100’s of these surgeries but he did say I would be at a higher risk because I only have one lung.

Thanks for lending me you ear.


Well, as someone wisely pointed out to me this week, much of this is just based on gut feeling, huh.

There was some question about adrenal gland involvement with me at first, at least by the Oncologist, but no symptoms, nothing showing on any tests, etc. They were just enlarged. Given the conflicting information I was getting, I did my own research and found out that a person can have an adrenal gland removed and live without it quite nicely -- go figure! No, it isn't at all like having an appendix removed, but it can be done, and is done quite a bit. Given what I learned, I might make the same choice as you in your situation, especially if I had that gut feeling telling me to!

Man, oh man, I do understand the scary part though -- wondering if you're doing the right thing. Whew. But -- it sounds to me like you have checked things out many times over, and that you have enough information under your belt to have made an informed and intelligent decision. Can't beat that with a stick!

Many good thoughts and prayers for you, and my very best wishes. Keep us posted, ok?



Ray!!!!!!! WOW. It is great that the surgeon took the time to explain why he thinks you should have it removed. I bet you are scared but that is natural. Just remember that we are all here fo you. You know you will be operated on an our daughters bithday. Big prayers coming your way.




I am so glad to see your post and I think that the surgery sounds like a wonderful plan. You seem to be very comfortable with the surgeon (is he from Penn?) and it appears that he is confident that he can perform this procedure well.

I understand you fears and reference to David. It is hard not to compare yourself to someone else with a similar history. You felt connected to him because you shared a similar diagnoses and age. When Becky G passed, it was VERY hard on me. I felt such a connection to her -- both Stage IIIA, both diagnosed the same month, at almost the same age, both nonsmokers and moms of young children. I have to admit that the news of Becky's death hit me so hard, I ended up seeing a pshychiatrist for a short time to get my head back in the right place.

Here is what he told me: Two TWINS could be diagnosed with the same cancer at the same time....and one will do well and one will not. Because everyone is different. No two cases are exactly the same. No two people are exactly the same.

Please have faith that you will fly through this surgery and emerge victoriously out the other side -- ready to tackle life with a vengance!

As always I will be thinking of you. . . especially on September 3rd.

Enjoy your birthday, Mr. Virgo! (mine is the following week!)


One thing I feel certain of is that we do best with treatment/procedure/medication that we feel is right for us. If you feel this is right, it will be right. I am happy that you have this option and I pray that your fears will be calmed and that you will feel confident because your surgeon has the knowledge and experience to perform this surgery with skill.

In the meantime, prayers...



Ray, it's only natural to be scared when faced with surgery. Recent events are impossible to keep out of mind. But your situation is obviously different from David's - different surgery.

Your surgeon sounds like a very detail-oriented, sympathetic dr. Can't ask for much more.

Will keep you in my prayers.



That being said, don't think about the comparisons with David A. I have to stop myself every time something bad happens with someone young on this board when I start making comparisons to Dave. Each individual's situation is UNIQUE.

You are doing the right thing I'm sure.

You keep that positive, Christ based attitude of yours and you will be fine!

God Bless you my brother!

Karen C.



You know, they really had to "assign" her a birthday - maybe you do have the same birthday!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Ray!

Also, Dave's parents will be celebrating 50 years of marriage on your birthday!




I certainly understand your concern, but it sounds like a good plan to me. And I'll be sending lots of good vibes your way til you get back home from that surgery and are doing great!




Ray, I can understand your anxiety, but all things are not the same, even if they seem so. I hope you can relax some, and have a successful surgery. My prayers are with you.

Any time one has surgery, there is a risk. My hardest time has been when they prep me and I am lying there on the gurney waiting to go into the O.R. (before the anesthetic takes effect). I hate that time. I will be thinking positively for you. Don



I don't blame you for being apprehensive--but I think this is a good idea and I'm glad you found a good guy to do it and I wish you all the luck in the whole world.




You have given this a lot of thought and have made a wise decision. It sounds like you have a very good surgeon. Go with your instinct, first thought and decision. Don't second guess yourself. You are a man of God and he will watch over you. Put it into his hands and believe. No Fear! You are in my prayers each day and I will especially be saying a special prayer for you on the 3rd of Sept..

God Bless,




Its so good to hear from you..I can completely understand your apprehension, I will be saying extra prayers on Sept.. 3 for you..Hang in there my look a like brother..XO



Just think, you now have DavidA on the other side pulling for you. Quit comparing yourself to David. I actually know someone that just had this surgery done (for a benign tumor not cancer). His was done laproscopic (sp?) and he recovered very quickly. I assume yours is being done the same way. He said he only needed one pain pill after coming home and is doing fine.

You you will do great. All the best Ray~



Hey Ray,

Hundreds of surgeries, hundreds of successes. Sounds like a plan to me. It also sounds like a lot of thought and concern went into coming up with the BEST plan for Ray. Thank God you have doctors that care that much.

Just put a 9/3 sticky on my computer. Will say a pray for you and your doctor that day.


Thank you so much everyone. I feel so much better. At least when I come out of surgery I can say I have no tumors in my body. Once I recover from the surgery, the plan is to continue Chemo. to keep any cancer cells away.


Heather, yes It will be at Penn. The docs name is Dr Fraker. Dr Stevenson Recomended him He Was rated as one of the top Docs of 2003. Another Young doc.



Wow, a chance to have all the cancer out - sounds like a chance in a lifetime (literally) to me. We'll all be sending up prayers for you. Betcha, David A. going to be looking over that surgeon's shoulders - someone's gotta keep those 'Stangs on the road!


Hi Ray,

I am sure your Doctor would say if he thought you were'nt strong enough to get through it. Won't it be nice to have the darned thing out! Good Luck and lots of prayers to you for a successful surgery. Paddy

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