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Everything posted by Ann

  1. A little boy attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs and rump, and chest. After a few minutes, he asked, "Dad, why are you doing that?" His father replied, "Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy. The boy, looking worried, said, "Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom"
  2. A blonde is walking down the street with her blouse open and her right breast hanging out. A policeman approaches her and says, "Ma'am, are you aware that I could cite you for indecent exposure?" She says, "Why, officer?""Because your breast is hanging out." He says, She looks down and says, "OH MY GOD!!! I left the baby on the bus again
  3. Ann


    Love this one!!! What a lesson!!!
  4. I rarely ever drink coffee but when I do, I load it up with lots of flavored creamers so that it doesn't really taste like coffee. Like Geri, I have been drinking a lot of hot tea. I love Chai tea and have a cup almost every morning.
  5. Ann

    Anger is setting in

    Nick, I have to share a dream that I recently had with you. As you know, I became a first time grandmother on November 14th. In my dream, I was talking to Dennis and going on and on, telling him all about our beautiful little Ella. As always, he listened to me for a while, then interruped me to say...."Ann...I met Ella long before you did and yes, she is very beautiful." Nick, I can definitely relate to your anger. There was a time after Dennis' death that I seemed to be completely consumed by anger. I hated life and good news and happy events. I felt as if I was the only person in the world that was suffering. Then, one day I realized that I was feeling sorry for me. I was totally overlooking the fact that Dennis had been relieved of his pain and suffering. I had forgotten that he was at peace and I was the one in misery. After I reached that point, I was able to go forward with healing. Like Katie, I believe that your mom has already met that precious little baby that you will have one day.
  6. Sarah...I am so very sorry for the pain you are feeling. When I lost my mother, I felt the same way. I felt as if the only person that had ever truly loved me, with unconditional love, was gone from my life and I was all alone. But, in time, I began to feel as if my mother was a real part of me, as she will live forever in my heart. Just remember that your mom is right there with you, in everything you say and do. You can still feel her presence, talk to her and know that she's right there in your heart.
  7. Ann

    January 9th

    (((((((((((((((Lori)))))))))))))) Can't think of any words to say right now that might help so I thought some big bear hugs might be better.
  8. Are you a coffee drinker? If so, how many cups do you drink each day? How do you take your coffee....black...sugar...cream...flavored?
  9. Best news I've heard all day, Muriel! I think I'll take you up on that drink offer! Yippee!!!!
  10. Well, I guess those Gators really "chomped away" at the Buckeyes. I don't think even us Floridians had any idea what a strong finish they would have. I'm still a true Vols fan but at least an SEC team took home the win.
  11. Rochelle, I am so glad that last night was a bit easier for you. For a time after Dennis died, I had some really confusing and mixed up dreams. All were troubling and it seemed I was unable to accept his death in any of these dreams. I always seemed to be looking for him but could never manage to find him. As time went on, the dreams became less frequent and the content of the dreams became much more peaceful. I'm sure that your dreams will also slow down and become less frequent. As for sorting out your feelings, I can definitely relate. I was very angry for a while and I have to admit that God was one of the main targets for my anger. I just couldn't understand how such a loving and forgiving God could bring so much pain and suffering to a man like Dennis. Then, after a time, I realized that Dennis was the one that had been released from the pain and suffering and I was the one left behind to figure this all out. Just try and remember that holding all this inside is not a good thing to do. Talking about your experiences as much as poiisble will help you to heal. Is there a professional on campus that can help? If not, a close friend? We're always here for you. I know it's not the same as having someone there in person but this group of people can really help, as you already know! I'm praying that the road will get easier for you. You're so young and fragile to be bearing such a huge weight on your shoulders. Try and let someone help with the load!
  12. Randy...thanks for letting us know. I have followed Hamilton's career through the years but somehow missed hearing he was ill. I'm so very sorry for his family and fans.
  13. Hey Don...maybe you could make a living designing the puzzles. Crafting is my big thing. I would love to quit my job, walk out and never look back. If I had plenty of back-up funds available, I'd open my own shop tommorrow!
  14. Don't worry Muriel....your "secret" is safe with me!!!
  15. Kelly....Still saying lots of prayers!
  16. Cindi...glad to know all is well with you and it's that little puter that's down and out! So...off to the pub!
  17. Well, I guess I have to admit that this one time I will be rooting for the Gators. Although I live in Florida, I'm not a Gator fan. Being an alumni of the University of Tennessee, my blood still runs bright orange and I have never been able to get excited about the Gators. But...I guess I'll have to fit in with the entire state tonight and wear my blue and orange!!! So, what about you guys????
  18. What hobby do you have that you would like to make into a career? If you don;t currently have any hobbies, what hobby would you like to have?
  19. http://www.paulsadowski.org/BirthDay.asp This has some really interesting (and accurate for me) information.
  20. Oh Kim, I am just so very sorry. Please let us know if we can help.
  21. Ann

    Ginny D

  22. So very sorry that the pain is so bad. I know exactly how you feel, as I dealt with the exact same issues when my husband was ill. He was on so many meds for pain that it was a struggle to keep him awake and alert long enough to try and get him to eat something. At times, I felt like it was a toss up between him being pain free or starving to death. His doctor finally ordered radiation and that seemed to alleviate a lot of the pain issues. By doing that, there were fewer pain meds needed. The doctor prescribed two medications to help increase Dennis' appetite...Megace and Marinol. One worked better than the other but I'm not sure which was the better of the two. I know how frustrating this can be. I will be thinking of you and praying that you can find some answers.
  23. Tina....I'll be remembering your friends mom in my prayers. Although it's unfortunate that she recieved this diagnosis, your friend is very fortunate to have such a very kind and informed friend to help her along this journey!
  24. Finish this statement...... If I had the time, I would ________________________.
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