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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hi, Ginny! So glad to hear the good news. Don
  2. Hang in there, Ry. I am glad you and John got a dinner together. The plan was a good one regardless. I hope your mother heals quickly and you can all look back and smile at life's quirky ways. Don
  3. Bess, glad you posted. Sorry your husband had his trouble in the middle of yours. Lucie and I can understand the frustration of a caregiver being ill. While Lucie was in and out of the hospital and undergoing treatment for the lung cancer, my daughter, who normally would be a caregiver broke a leg and wound up in the hospital twice for blood clots on the lungs. It was frustrating for them both that they could not be there for each other. Hope soon there are better days for both of you. Don
  4. Don Wood

    I Was There

    Beautiful! Thanks.
  5. Hi, Mini George! Congratulations! News sounds mighty good. Celebrate! Don
  6. Don Wood

    T-Bone's Scans

    My mother-in-law took care of the name remembering problem by calling everyone "Baby". One time she was calling my wife (an only child!) by several of her sister's names, and she finally said, "Oh, you know who you are!"
  7. Peg, I am so saddened by the turn of events. You both are in my prayers. Don
  8. Carleen, I imagine Keith, in the bar with his co-workers, got a glimpse at what it is like to feel good and relax and not have cares. And his immediate reaction was, "I want this back!" It is natural. Give him time, and he may well realize he wants to continue to fight. We all want those escapes and to go back "the way it was before". The feeling comes and goes. And then we realize that we can't go back -- we can only go forward with the best plan we know. My prayers are with you both. Don
  9. Kevin, we are with you. Don
  10. Welcome, Cookieman! We have much enjoyed Snowflake's participation here and we look forward to yours as well. Best to you both. Don
  11. Good to see you again, Gail. Don't be a stranger, but I do understand about the 18 year-old senior. Someone once said that teenagers are naturally obnoxious so you will want them to leave home and get out on their own! Best to you. Don
  12. So happy to hear Guido is okay. Molly and Mandy send their regards (our pups). Don
  13. Hi, Karen, and welcome. Keep us posted on yourself and your dad. Best to you. Don
  14. Hi, Pat, and welcome! Please keep us posted on your progress. Good luck. Don
  15. Cheryl, I am so sorry to hear that Jack had a heart attack. You two have enough woes. As you know, I am no stranger to this disease. You are both in my prayers, and I know he will come through this. He may have to change his life style some, particularly the diet. I am an 8-year survivior of heart bypass surgery, and I am a lot older. Hang in there. Don
  16. My wife does not fit the profile you reported. Neither do I. I don't believe there is a "cancer" personality myself. I think you can just look at the people represented here and see a cross section of the population. I do believe stress lowers the immune system, and that cancer can get hold when the immune system can't handle it. However, we have a very stressful society. So what about the people under stress who don't get cancer? I think heredity is a factor and I believe environment (like dirty air and what we eat) is a factor. I am a scientist by training, and it is safe to say you can prove anything with the right selected data. I say, "Bunko"! Don
  17. Hi, Tricia! Welcome! And congratulations on your first year of survivorship! My wife is working on 17 months and is doing fine right now. Don
  18. Here's to outings! May there be many, many more! Don
  19. Denise, so glad your mom is doing things and enjoying. My wife and I take each occasion -- birthdays, anniversary, holidays -- as a special occasion and thankful we are celebrating them together. Very special times. Enjoy! Don
  20. Heather, so proud of you to get a car for yourself! Way to go! This gal is driven -- I mean, driving! Enjoy! Don
  21. Don Wood

    Bone scan

    My wife had bone mets to the spine, hip, skull, ribs, sacrum and fibula. Those spots that gave constant pain and/or were threatening bone integrity were treated with radiation. She took chemo as well. The radiation diminished the pain significantly. She is now on Zometa, which is taken by IV once a month, to strengthen bones and ward off bone mets. So far, it is working. You might ask about it. Good luck. Don
  22. Congratulations, Betty! Celebrate! Don
  23. Don Wood

    Thank you

    Prayers comin'!
  24. My prayers are with you and your son. Sorry you have to endure so much at once. Don
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