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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Kris, sorry about your dad. He is one year older than me. It seems obvious to me that the medics need to find out why he is so weak and do something about it. It is not clear to me from your note what the medics are doing for your dad. It is true that he has to have strength enough to take chemo, and I share your concern that nothing is being done for the cancer. But right now, getting his strength and stamina back would be priority one in my book. Don
  2. My wife had taxotere, along with carboplatin, for five plus treatments, from February to May. It was effective for her. It did have many side effects, which she lived through okay, including nausea, hair loss, finger and toe numbness and nail blackening, diarrhea, mouth fungus, etc. It was worth it. Don
  3. Lucie was on Taxotere, combined with carboplatin, for her chemo treatment. It was very effective for her. She completed the treatment, along with radiation on specific bone mets, in late May. She lost her hair, her nails went black and rough, she had some numbness in the tips of her toes and fingers, nausea (we combatted that with medication and frequent eating), some diarrhea, mouth fungus. It was all worth it. Don
  4. Shannon, so good to hear from you. My prayers are with you. Don
  5. Don Wood

    A small update

    Jay, I have been aware you were around, and that comforted me. I knew you had to take your time. Please do not be reluctant to post with you thoughts, emotions, etc. That is what we are all here for. Your problems, your thoughts, your feelings ARE important to us. I am glad you are okay, and hope that with time you will be better than okay. I am glad you found a friend. Reaching out to others can help get through all the pain of what you have experienced. Please do keep us posted anytime you want to. Thanks for plugging in. Don
  6. Yes, Donnie, my wife still has pain in her hip and sometimes her upper back, where two main bone mets were. She completed chemo and radiation last May. She still has to take some morphine for the pain, and is presently on Zometa. She was on Iressa but got pneumonia, and we think that is a direct cause, so she is not taking that now. She is doing well at the moment (diag. 10/02). Don
  7. Cathy, it hurts and it will hurt for a while. The hole in your life will not completely close but it will get smaller. I lost both my parents within 11 months of each other back in the late '50's. I lost my only sister in 1993 within a month of losing my mother-in-law, whom I was very close to. Then in 1998, I lost my only brother. And, yes, I did go on each time with the help of family and friends, and I knew I was still here to make my world better in any way I could. I pray you God's grace, love, healing and peace. Don
  8. Don Wood

    mom is gone

    Terre, so sorry for your loss. May you eventually find peace through the grief. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Lucie's Home!

    Lucie came home today. It is so good to have her back and well. Don
  10. Sandy, you got the prayers. Don
  11. Have a great time, Cindy! Don
  12. Happy birthday, Ray! I hope you had a great one. Don
  13. Andrea, a vacation from cancer is a good vacation. Glad you all did that, and that your mother was able to join you. Life does go on. Don
  14. Great news, Shirley! Thanks for sharing, and welcome. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Race Results

    My prayers were with you, David P., and I am sooooo proud of you. Thanks for being there for us all. Take a deserved rest. Don
  16. My wife's fingernails and toenails went black and rough during chemo. Once she was off the chemo, the nails came back regular. Don
  17. (1) Work on your hobby. (2) Help someone else. (3) Do something fun. (4) Think back on some good times and remember the feelings. (5) Do something new and different, that perhaps you have been meaning to try. Good luck. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Been better

    Hang in there, Lenny. Don
  19. Estelle, so good to hear from you. You have been missed. Sorry all the news is not good, but sounds like there are things to combat it with. I am glad you enjoyed such a good summer -- you needed that. Don
  20. Thanks to all who posted and helped me celebrate. It was a great day! I am sure I am 5 lb heavier! We laughed a lot, and that is good. Don
  21. Joanie, my heart is so heavy at your loss. I am told that losing a child, no matter what age, is the hardest. My prayers are with you and your family. God's grace. Don
  22. Connie, so good to have you back. Don
  23. Hi, Johnny! Sorry about your wife. My wife also has NSCLC and is about 11 months since diagnosis. She has had chemo and radiation, as most all of her tumors are bone mets. She is recovering from pneumonia and should be home some time this week. Hang in there, buddy. Don
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