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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Lillie, my wife is on morphine for pain, MS Contin. She takes it in the norming and again at night. It is slow release. You can increase the dosage with the doctor's approval, as she needs. Also, my wife can take a "breakthrough" pain medication in between -- such as Norco, Vicotin, etc. as she needs. She would be non-functional otherwise. Good luck. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Dad Passed

    Amy, I am saddened at the loss of your dad. If we can help you during the grief process, hang in here with us. So sorry. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Hawaii Dick Update

    Sounds like great news, Cheryl. So happy for you both. Don
  4. Kathy, my prayers are with you both. I'm glad Tim is in the hospital where he can be taken care of for clots and possible pneumonia. If you have not already done so, I sure would mention to the onc or physician in charge that some people have gotten pneumonia from taking Iressa, and they should watch this. Blessings. Don
  5. What a pleasant surprise! Thank you, Cheryl and Jack! Yep, Sunday is my 69th birthday. Lucie is still in rehab so we will all gather there in the activity room for the celebration. My older son, his wife, his two kids, my daughter, Lucie and myself will have a take-in dinner together. It IS a happy occasion for us, with Lucie due to come home sometime next week.
  6. Don Wood

    What to do next?

    I see a lack of respect here, both in not abiding by your reasonable rules and in lying about it. Some serious talking and grounding needed here. Don
  7. Don Wood

    Scans all clean

    Cindy, I love those "all clean" reports! Congrats! Celebrate! Don
  8. Great news, Karen and David! Celebrate! Don
  9. Hi, Renee! It's good to hear from you. Don't be a stranger. Don
  10. My prayers are with you, David! Go get 'em! Don
  11. Super news, BlueBayou! Celebrate! Don
  12. My wife is recovering from double pneumonia. They moved her from the regular hospital to a rehab hospital so she could regain her strength and stamina. I am grateful there is an interim place like that for her. I would dearly love to have her home, but I would not have been able to take care of her right out of the hospital. Be patient with the process. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Our kiddo

    That's great, Rick! When my granddaughter was about that age, I had been retired about 3 years. The school had a father-child breakfast one morning. Since my son was going to be out of town on business, he asked me if I would go with her and her brother, who was also a student there. I agreed. I had a nice breakfast and visit with my two grandchildren. Then they took my around to show my their classes. My grandson went off, but my granddaughter wanted me to stay awhile. At one point, all the dads started leaving. I started to leave also, when my granddaughter looked up at me and said, "Grampa, you don't have to go -- you don't work!" She had me there. Don
  14. Hi, and welcome! You are an inspiration to us all, and I love your sense of humor. Have to have one on this road. Keep us posted. Don
  15. Snowflake, I love your sense of humor! Congrats on the clear scan. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Dear friends-

    Terrie, my prayers are with you. Don
  17. Judy, super news! Celebrate! Don
  18. Sue, my prayers are with you. Keep up the good fight. Don
  19. God be with you this weekend, David. I'm rooting for you! Don
  20. I think you should call the doctor and take your husband to the emergency room. Something is not right here. Don
  21. Kathy, we caregivers have to hang tough, but we also need someone to lean on besides our spouse to help get through all this. I hope you have such a person. Of course, you get lots of support here, too, but it doesn't substitute for a person near you. I have screaming fits every now and then, and that helps (I'm nbot kidding!). It is a tough row to hoe. Best to you two. Don
  22. Peg, so happy to hear there are more options. May they be successful this time. Don
  23. Lucie was moved on Friday afternoon to a rehab hospital near the other hospital where she was. She has had a great three days -- cheery, in her own clothes, walking with a walker, eating everything in sight (well, almost), doing some cross stitch, reading, enjoying visitors, got outside in the patio twice. I am so proud of her. She is determined to get better and get home. This morning at the end of physical therapy, the PT had her walking down the hall, and she said, "Where's the front door? I may just walk out of here!" Needless to say, I am ecstatic. Her warm smile and twinkling blue eyes are back! Halleluiah! Thanks for caring and praying, guys and gals. Don
  24. Sounds good to me, Cheryl. I hope this means you can breathe a little easier. Don
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