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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Great news, Sam! Celebrate! Don
  2. Lenny, love the poem and the sentiment. Attitude is everything. Don
  3. Deb, thanks for the update. Glad your dad is taking Zometa. Lucie is on that and it is supposed to strengthen bones and help ward off bone mets. Blessings to you all. Don
  4. Terre, so sorry your mother isn't doing well. My prayers are with you. Don
  5. Sounds like a fly-by-night joke to me! He! He!
  6. Fay, it is always good to hear happy news, even if it comes in a convoluted way! Don
  7. Kathy, I can sure relate to "if it's not one thing, it's another"! I'm sure you have seen my posts on Iressa, so definitely watch your husband with the cough. Best to you. Don
  8. Welcome, Heather. Much info and support here. Keep us posted. Don
  9. Betty, what a testimony! Welcome! And thank you for giving so many of us hope. Don
  10. Don Wood

    Thought for the day

    Gail, I went white water rafting with my younger son in Sept. '96 in Colorado and thoroughly enjoyed the experience and his company. I'm glad you did that for yourself. We should not postpone our dreams and our fun to "one day" because "one day" may never come. Proud of you. Don
  11. The onc has lost your trust. He should now lose your business. Ask the pulmonologist to recommend someone. Don
  12. Peg & Bill, damn! Sorry you had to receive this kind of news. My prayers are with you. Don
  13. Don Wood

    My Father

    Emmaleah, I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. Don
  14. Don Wood

    CT Scan

    You got it , Cheryl. Don
  15. Joanie, great news! Celebrate! Don
  16. I think the trip is a great idea. Good luck and have fun. Don
  17. Thanks again, all you wonderful friends, for your good wishes. Lucie has enjoyed reading your messages. Me, too! She is improving every day and will be moved to a rehab center in a day or two to help regain her strength. Looks like a flat place in the road to me!. Blessings. Don
  18. Connie, I hope and pray you will be well again soon. Keep the faith. Don
  19. Don Wood

    CAT scan result

    june, great news! Don
  20. Carlenn, so happy for your both! Great news! Don
  21. Congrats on a full year! May there be many more of these. Don
  22. Cathy, my heart is heavy for you and your family. My heartfelt condolensces. Please stay with us and let us help you through the grief and beyond. May you find peace. Don
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