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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. Yeah!!!!! I am delighted for you, Candy!!!!
  2. I was wondering about steroids too... they can really mess a person up. I don't have any helpful words of advice or wisdom, but I do want to send you my support. I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this. Even if your husband won't allow himself to get help, be sure that YOU do. I'm glad that you're going to do some family counseling. Praying that things will settle down for you all.
  3. I have always been a 'want to knower' but being a Navy wife, I've gotten pretty comfortable with the 'unknown.' Give me a medical situation and I'll google til the cows come home, but... I don't have to know where I'm going to live next month. If my husband will be here. If we'll be able to take that vacation (wait... vacation, what vacation?!)... When the deployment will be. On those I know I HAVE to wait and see, so I do.
  4. I'm praying, Kelly. I'm so sorry.
  5. I have to admit... I was lazy and didn't get flyers and such up or media information out. So I can't comment on my experience.... I kind of wish I had because... we'll be out there walking and nobody will know... kind of a lonely feeling. But I'll be with ALL of the walkers in spirit. Anyway--chin up. With as hard as it was collecting anything from people that we DO KNOW PERSONALLY, of course it would be tough to get folks who might not be close to you or your story to understand the importance. But you HAVE made a difference. You are making a differnce. I put out some LC stuff last November at Curves and had a very, very disappointing response as far as people ordering items. BUT I just figured--anyone who saw the display, and saw the flyers now knew that LUNG CANCER was something worth noticing too. Baby steps. Even your flyers DID make a difference, even if you aren't getting a huge monetary return as a result. You probably made more than a few people's eyebrows raise and go, "Lung Cancer Awareness? OK...." And maybe NEXT TIME they'll be more willing to take us seriously. Seed planting my friend.
  6. Treebywater

    I lost my mom

    I'm just so sorry.
  7. Treebywater

    sad sad day

    Kim, I read this and thought, "because that's where you are in this...." I had that same question over and over and over again. I just felt insane because it felt like every moment for months and months was about Mom--about her illness, about her death, about her diagnosis.... looking at it over and over and over again. I'd think of different things at different times and think that I'd just be taken over and wonder if I was "ok" and wonder if it would ever be different. I am not one who says, it gets 'better' or 'easier.' The hard days are still hard... But I will say that a smaller percentage of my days now are devoted to reliving those things. That DOES NOT mean that I've let them go, or forgotten them, or gotten over them. I never will. But... I'm able to let more of life in. You are going to get there too, and it might sounds scary now because it soundsn like you'll lose that much more of her. But you won't. It's all still there for me, but I can walk with it. I can tell that your Mom loved you, Kim. And you were such a good daughter to her. Hang in there. It just hurts so badly. (((((Kim))))))
  8. Treebywater


    Yayyyyy, Cindy!!!! That is just SO COOL!!!!!
  9. Oooooo... can somebody post transcripts???? I'm beginning to wish that being a "Satellite Walker" came with "Satellite Audio-Visual Connectedness" to the Boston event....
  10. My friend, Amanda, who is committed to raising awareness for all cancers--especially the unsung ones--through her own blog and her columns at blogHer, spotlighted Lung Cancer Awareness month in her column. (And can I just mention that Amanda lost her husband not to LC, but to Leukemia... and she's still doing this for us!) http://blogher.org/node/12294 And, I put up my first of the 'myths' blog-posts: http://digtoesin.wordpress.com/2006/11/ ... er-period/
  11. Terrye-- Have you all gotten a second opinion? It sounds like you don't feel 100% comfortable with the knowledge-base of this doctor--and as so many people here can attest, there are many, many doctors who just don't know enough about Lung Cancer. Maybe it would help your Mom to decide if she heard from another doctor (who.... perhaps would be someone you were both more comfortable with) that this is the course of action. At the very least, it might help allay some of her immediate fears more time to get more information. Absolutely support her 100%. But help her get all the information she needs to make this decision. I think it's also important for you to validate her fear. It is ok for her to be scared of this surgery. From what I understand it's a pretty darned major operation. But, it very well could be her best shot. (((((hugs))))) to you and to your Mom.
  12. Ann. Boy do I understand the feeling of joyful things happening with that 'but this big piece is missing' feeling. So bittersweet. I send you (((((hugs))))).
  13. Treebywater

    One month

    Nick... I remember one month. It felt like it had been so very long... and it was really only the beginning. And it just hurt. I know your Mom would have loved, and indeed I believe DOES love your garden. Thinking of you.
  14. You are just the coolest, woman! Keep us posted!
  15. You can whisper it into bean's ear... Bean won't tell. I promise.....
  16. I love it! I'm so happy for you and your Mom, and I agree whole-heartedly with Katie. I can't wait to read that post three years from now...
  17. I am SO HAPPY to "see" you, Lady!!!!
  18. Treebywater

    It's a Girl

    So many congratulations!!!! Ms. Carolyn was 'a bit colicky' too. I hope you get some sleep soon.
  19. Treebywater


    ((((Nick)))) I hate those moments... Those I JUST want to CALL MOM moments. I've had a few myself today....
  20. Hey All. Since it's November, I'm planning on blogging quite a bit about LC. One thing I thought I would do is create a series of posts tackling the myths of Lung Cancer. So... Can you help me think of all the 'myths' we deal with every day? Already I'm thinking: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer (taking on the irresponsibility of the word 'cause' vs. 'risk factor) Quitting Smoking Means You're Not at Risk Lung Cancer means 'you're doomed.' (Writing about how it's NOT a death sentence). Since so many advancements have come about in cancer research--why are you so worried about a LC diagnosis? (I felt that a lot when Mom was diagnosed, because everyone knew of several 'cancer success stories (mostly the high profile cancers)' They couldn't get why LC was SO SCARY) If I'm a Non-Smoker I don't have to worry about Lung Cancer. Anyway--Any other ideas? I don't get a whole lot of readers... Only 40 or so really regular hits a day... but that's still more people who are aware. Thanks all!
  21. ((((Nancy)))) Thank you for the update. I sure wish things were going better for you. I won't stop praying!
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