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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Greg. Just mentioning that you are a Stage 1V 3 yr survivor has helped someone I am sure. Thanks for joining us. Donna G
  2. It was Wednesday, December 3, 1997. I called the clinic wanting an appointment with an orthopedic doctor. I was having pain in my right shoulder and chest. It had been going on for a while. I knew it was from moving back to Minnesota, all that packing and unpacking. I was to start work the 15th; I figured I should get a muscle relaxer or something so I would be in good shape. They wanted me to come in to urgent care because of the “chest pain”. The doctor said he wanted an x-ray and some blood work. I asked him if he would also check my thyroid since I had lost weight and recently had palpitations. He said he would order that blood work also. I went off to x-ray and there they wanted more and more views. After the lab I went back to urgent care. I had been there all afternoon. The doctor came in and said, “ I am sorry to tell you, but you have lung cancer. I have set up an appointment with Dr. Brown for this Friday. “ I left the clinic in tears for I knew that pain was not an early sign of lung cancer (It was Stage 3 B). I had to talk to myself trying to calm myself down for I was driving home! I called my husband when I got there and was so upset I couldn’t get it out, he said he would be right home. I saw Dr Brown two days later and there he told me of the many appointments that he had set up for me. My next was for Monday the 8th with a pulmonologist to do a CT guided Needle biopsy. I next had a Thyroid uptake and Scan. On the 11th I got the pathology, they said Squamous or possible Adenocarcinoma Non Small Cell. On the 12th I had a Bone Scan and then saw Dr Duane an Onocologist. He said I had a Pancoast Tumor. He wanted me to have radiation and chemo , for it would make the radiation work better. Next Dr I met was Dr Haselow in radiation. In between I went to the dentist to make sure my mouth was in good shape for chemo. Next appointment was with Dr Dyrud a thoracic surgeon. Back to the thyroid problem I saw Dr Kendall. Let us not forget I also squeezed in Pulmonary Function Tests. December 22 my treatment started radiation then Cistplatin and VP 16. I also got in touch with John a phone buddy. He was great and he also was a 10 year Pancoast Tumor survivor. He gave me hope. Yes I had treatment for the next 6 weeks right through the holidays. On Feb 17 I was admitted to the hospital to have my right upper lung removed. A few weeks later I began my second round of chemo , as originally planned. The last week I began falling down. I told Dr Duane my next appointment . He right away said it was the Cisplatin, I shouldn’t have any more. Another thing I noticed was I couldn’t turn and reach for things. My shoulder had frozen but several visits to Physical Therapy helped that. I was still having some problems with my chest incision site too. I like many needed antidepresents and searched for help, support. I did a program called “ RENEW” . It was helpful but no one had lung cancer there. I did a 12 step program for nicotine addicts and a women there told me of a lung cancer support group that had just started a United Hospital in St. Paul. I went. I met a great gal there who was a survivor, Connie. She was the moderator of the group. In May I had finally started the job that I had planned to start the previous December. It seemed every week or two I met someone there being diagnosed or treated for lung cancer. I just hope that I can offer someone the support that helped me get through that stressful difficult time. People that prayed for me, gave me rides to treatment, called and listened, sent cards and flowers and robes etc. I have become so rich in so many ways from this experience. I have met so many wonderful people, participated in Connies 2 events at the capital, one event here in my city hall, held an event in my hospital, went to state court to get MPAAT to spend the tobacco settlement on victims of tobacco instead on themselves. Connie told me of this board. Now I have met nearly 1200 more wonderful people! Lung Cancer is a deep “ valley” and I have been through this valley and now love the view from the mountain. Later I Lost my husband Jay to Lung Cancer July 23, 2013.
  3. Donna G

    A poem I wrote

    This is what you do to be silly? Wow. I can't imagine what you would do if you were serious. That was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donna G
  4. I just found the site that tells about the lung exercises. Here it is. Best of luck. http://www.cancernetwork.com/journals/p ... p0011i.htm Donna G
  5. Prayers going up for Cheryl for a quick recovery. Donna G
  6. I believe stress and lack of sleep can also affect the memory. Make sure you keep regular hours and go to be early enough to get at least the full 8 hours. Donna G
  7. I don't know whether you would consider lifting a pulling people and equipment as labor but sometimes my back sure does. I went back to work 3 months after surgery and a month after finishing my second round of chemo. Donna G
  8. "There are many reasons that people get sick in the time period ( winter) described. I am convinced that lack of sunlight is one important variable. Adequate amounts of unfiltered sunlight is critical to good health. We all need about one hour per day and most of us don't come close to that. Unfiltered sunshine is important. If you are wearing glasses or sitting in front of a window, some of the 1500 wavelengths present in sunshine will not reach your retina and nourish your brain. These wavelengths are primarily ultraviolet which do provide health benefits and do not promote all the skin cancers that traditional medicine preaches, if they are taken in moderate amounts. " When he wrote the lyrics , Do you think he was aware of the scientific data? Donna G
  9. Cindi I am so sorry. May you feel peace , please know your Mom will always love you, her love will never die. Donna G
  10. Thanks Elaine for keeping us posted. Prayers going up for Marie. Donna G
  11. Donna G


    Noah's Ark Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark. ONE: Don't miss the boat. TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat. THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. SIX: Build your future on high ground. SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs. EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile. TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. ELEVEN: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting. My instructions were to send this to people that I wanted God to bless and I picked you. Please pass this to people you want to be blessed. Give it! Don't just get it. Most people walk in and out of your life......but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart
  12. Thanks for the reason to celebrate! 2 and 1/2 years what a great reason ! Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  13. I also am joining this prayer group. Donna G
  14. Beth prayers going up. Donna G
  15. Jamie, just catching up on the board and read your post re your fathers epidural falling out. THAT HAPPENED TO ME the first night. Wow, I have a high pain tolerance but that pain was beyond anyone, believe me. I called for help and they told me it fell out, and they would have to call the doctor, then they would have to send for a pump, then they would have to send for the "button" to push etc. By then I was just sobbing. No one came back so I called again. The nurse that came in said " O you don't need that button, just push the square on the box" Now I would swear if that was my habbit, and they would be really bad words. Why didn't they tell me that before. Believe me the pain of broken ribs, 2 chest tubes rubbing your innards, muscles stretched for hours to places they were never meant to stretch, etc it very painful. Your Dad is a brave man to have had to go through that. Thank God he is now on the road to recovery. The epidural is great for pain relief but only if it is in place and functioning. Please keep us posted on how he is doing. Donna G
  16. Donna G


    Donna, I am so sorry. I pray that you will find comfort and peace. Donna G
  17. Wow. You did a lot of work. Do you work in computers? Donna G
  18. Hi Joyce, welcome . What a year you have had! Hope we can be of help. Donna G
  19. Donna G


    Thanks for the update TBone. Glad it is better news. Donna G
  20. Donna G


    Could this be what you ask? It is on chemocare.com http://www.chemocare.com/bio/bio.sps?iBiographyID=7956 Hope this is of some help. Donna G
  21. O yes, laughter is good medicine. It raises healing hormones. The opposite is depressing gorry news, etc. Thanks for the link. Donna G
  22. Why don't you just ask for a copy of all reports. It is your record and you have a right to them. Then you don't have to try and "sneek " and peek. Donna G
  23. I started my treatment with that chemo and radiation. They premedicated me, lots of IV fluid just before the Cisplatin, also zophran and lasix. I had lots of nausea meds at home , I never needed. I was tired and napped every day. I gained weight. I had NSCLC and after the first round that lasted about 6 weeks I think, they did do surgery, so I had a month break, then had 6 more weeks of the same chemo. I missed the last week because I got neuropathy in my feet and they stopped it. Pray that you do well. Donna G
  24. Hope you had a blessed and happy Anniversary. Donna G
  25. Thanks Larry. Do you know the hymn "Come back to me , with all your heart. Don't let fear , keep us apart" Like the prodigal's father , he is waiting and wants to shower you with his love. Donna G
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