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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. My dogs Rocky and Sally put up no fight about putting on their jackets to go out and relieve themselves this morning, and they still wanted back in within 2 minutes! Donna G
  2. Cold here also, it is minus 20 degrees with a wind chill of minus 36 The weather man this morning went outside and threw a hot cup of coffee into the air and it immediately turned into white dust!! Glad I shoveled yesterday. They say we will have more than 3 days soon without going up to 0 degrees F. Donna G
  3. I went there and poste my opinion on what should be done to diagnose lung cancer early and better treatment research. DonnaG
  4. Welcome to our "family" of survivors. Glad you found us. Sounds like we love all your ambitions-especially awareness and lack of funding for lung cancer research! It goes without saying that all of us have been stressed out with this diagnosis and this needs addressing also. Most of us have had some depression. Soon you will be celebrating 1 year of survival, I wish you many more. Keep us posted. Look around much is posted here on what many of us have done attempting to increase lung cancer awareness and raise money. Donna G
  5. Donna G


    Hello. Glad you found us. I have several friends with MS. The one affected the most has an electric chair and a lift in her home. THe one seeming to still be doing very well goes to Curves and exercises and volunteers to walk dogs for the humane society. THe same is true with those I know with lung cancer . Some have limited and some extensive. How are you? Share with us. You can read my story by clicking below. Donna G
  6. Well it is 13 degrees out now, wind chill of minus 2 . Will be actual minus 10 tonight. It is really snowing out, when i got off of work my car was totally covered ! Streets are bad and slippery. At least 6-8 inches needs to be shoveled or blown off my driveway, but it is still snowing. Guess what, it is winter in Minnesota! Donna G
  7. So sorry to hear about your Mom. We understand. This is the most difficult time, we are overwhelmed with the diagnosis, all the tests, all the doctor visits, the problems we are having. I like most had to go to the dentist and get my teeth checked out to be sure there were no problems before chemo, so your Mom's situation is routine. I hope someone is going to the appointments with her and recording or taking notes, it is even hard just to hear and remember all that is said to us. I am glad her Dr. didn't set a time frame. She could respond to all this treatment and enjoy years of quality life. It is way too early to know. She is young. Keep us posted. Donna G
  8. Welcome Jane. I have a good friend that was diagnosed like you and had a lobe revoved about 6 yrs ago and is still doing fine. Glad yours was diagnosed early. There is a good percentage that find another lump or find it has gone to another place. It could be microscopic now but grow later that is why many doctors have suggested a round of chemo to be sure no stray cell survives and gets that chance to grow. It is something to think about. Keep us posted, when is your follow up scan? Donna G
  9. They had this article on our local news at 10 pm. Interesting especially those of us with Mets that needs to be killed off! http://wcco.com/health/cyberknife.lung. ... 01603.html Donna G
  10. This educational web site has an educational course for doctors and nurses to help people quit smoking. It is not above ordinary peoples heads so read it and see if you learn something from it. Go to the left of the page and click on CME programs ( Cont Medical ED program) then scroll down and click on quit smoking . Donna G http://discoveryhealthcme.discovery.com/
  11. Judy I am so sorry for your loss of such a good man. I want to thank you for posting also, for hearing from you lets us know a little more about our friend Don. Again you are in my prayers during this most difficult time that you will find peace. Don will always be watching over you. Donna G
  12. Amanda I am so sorry you lost your Dad. It was so kind of you to come here and let us know, please accept our prayers for the family's peace at this time. Don posted thousands of times supporting members of our group during their difficult time. We will also miss him. Sincerely Donna G
  13. Kasey, I am so glad you found us! I am so glad you went for more opinions! I am so happy that you are celebrating 4 yrs since surgery and soon to be 5 yrs since diagnosis!!!!!!!!!!!. Some day I pray I will meet you in person. You are such a blessing to all of us at this site. Donna G
  14. Maggie I am so sorry for your loss. I still say you are an angel for going and helping this family during this time of crisis. I am also glad that Hospice was there also for more support. Your brother in law is well and at peace now. I send a big hug to you and his family for this time is hard for those left behind. Donna G
  15. Happy New Year to all. Today we warmed up to 24 degrees F and guess what , No Snow to shovel!!!!!!! Yipppee. The dogs and I went to the dog park this afternoon and they found lots of friends to play with and come home all worn out. Again I wish all a Happy New Year. Donna G
  16. Welcome . You reallly describe that your brother in law is having a very rough time. I am very concerned with the weight loss. I hope you are giving him frequent drinks of Ensure of any of the high calorie nutrition drinks. Without nourishment all of his problems are worse. You are an angel to come and help support him and the family. This is a rough disease, most of us eventually get on antidepressents. Many times it is such a help just to have someone nonjudgementally listen to our problems so we can get them off our chest. Keep us posted. Donna G
  17. We did our daily shoveling of snow this morning. The temp was - 7 F, don't even want to mention what the wind chill was. This afternoon the temp is up to +7 F and the wind has died down, the sun is shining and the sky is a gorgeous blue! Donna G
  18. Today I went to Mary Jo's funeral . Her pastor said she had met with him and told him what she wanted and songs etc. It was very nice. Her son had recorded and wonderful song and they played it. Even with the snow today , the church was absolutely packed. Several from our support group in St. Paul were able to get there also. It was so sad to see Larry and their son's ( the sons broke down and cried several times during the service) Friends and family shared how loving she was, even with her suffering, she was in a prayer group praying for others. With O2 and in a Wheelchair Larry brought her to the first tuesday support group in December and she supported others there. WE were born the same month , the same year, graduated High School the same year, married the same year and we bothe had lung cancer! It is so sad she is gone but like the pastor said, now she is well and is in a better place waiting for all of us some day. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    NED Again !!

    Great news. That gives you even more to celebrate during this Holiday time. Donna G
  20. Welcome , I also am so glad you found us. For some reason clots are a real complication of lung cancer. Lodging in the bowel not so common. Many Stage IIIA become operable after chemo and radiation. I had chemo and radiation first and when they took out the tumor it was only scar tissue! Has to be really hard to have your Mom so far away. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. When I got home from work I was so sad to read the E-mail from Larry ( her husband) that Mary Jo had died 10am on Christmas day. Thanks for your email also Connie. When I saw her last I did not realize it would be the very last time I would see her. I know she is well and happy now but it is still sad for those of us she left. Donna G
  22. Yes it is almost Christmas. We are definitely going to have a white Christmas here in Minnesota , we got more snow to shovel last night. The good news is we are having a heat wave! It is 14 degrees F right now, we have not been that warm for days. Donna G
  23. Welcome. One thing you have done right is find us. We have been through this and know what you are going through. Take it one step at a time. Take notes, ask questions. We are here and will support you. Donna G
  24. We have "warmed up" to a balmy minus 2 degrees F. The good thing is the sun is shining and we won't get more snow until ---tonight! It is definitely going to be a white christmas here! Donna G
  25. Welcome Scott , glad you found us. Reading your post sounds like you could be quite entertaining! Please let us know what the Dr. says tomorrow. THis can be beat! I am celebrating 11 yrs this month! Donna G
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