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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome Bev, does the doctor say what the cough is caused by, any fever? Pneumonia is so common with lung cancer. Is he taking any treatment? Keep us posted. Donna G
  2. Welcome Fabian, so sorry to hear about the blood clots on top of everything else. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Thanks. Wow! Prayers going up! Donna G
  4. Follow up should be with Onocologist, not surgeon , he only checks his surgery.
  5. We are all with you , we all want more research for cures , research for early diagnosis, for lung cancer. It is not easy to attract attention away from "prevention" which in total is quit smoking. http://www.fair.org/activism/stossel-nih.html This site says HIV research has a $1.8 Billion budget, which is 10 times that for breast cancer. I also am not against curing or controling all these diseases but I think a disease that afflicts more than all those combined and is about 90 % fatal certainly needs more attention.
  6. Welcome Mo. BAC is typically non smoking related. I have met several people with this type. One young Mom who was able to have surgery and a older gentleman who was not. They say this type is particularly slow growing. Glad to have you here. Donna G
  7. Remember what our friend David always says" Exercise rules" Keep us posted.
  8. Glad to hear he is home. Nice to be home.
  9. Well yesterday I got to the meeting of twin cities thoracic Onocology Consortium. Very Interesting day. Since I was told I had 2 nodules this spring that part would be of interest to me! Dr Swenson of Mayo spoke re low dose Spiral CT for early diagnosis as a screening tool. In 1998 they had 4520 volunteers , 50 and older + smokers. In 5 yrs they found 68 with Stage I cancer. They found 3356 Nodules, or 74% of the patients had nodules! Of these nodules 98% were benign. He said there are 50,000 people in the national screening study. So far no one yet recommends screening. It could lead to a 10 % mortality reduction, but it is too costly to follow up on all those benign or slow growing ( as BAC) tumors. 10 % reduction is saving 16,000 people!. He said the ideal would be to come up with a serum test for lung cancer. - Boy that would be nice.
  10. Hope that includes girl talk, thats fun also. Donna G
  11. Sounds like a nice trip to me, have fun. Donna G
  12. Hi Kathleen, Not only in Europe. Yes they have suggested even Stage I have chemo after surgery. About 40 % will have cancer show up again within 5 yrs because of micrometastasis. These are so small that the pathologist would not pick them up at the time of surgery. There are doctors working on developing a test that could detect these people at risk but not finished yet. Sad thing is when it shows up sometimes it is in the brain or adrenal glands etc. which ups them to a Stage IV. If she is 2 1/2 yrs post op and she has been followed up with CT scans and no signs of cancer yet, that is a hard call. Keep us posted Donna G
  13. Have a safe trip. Waiting to hear what they are talking about in Chicago. Donna G
  14. Well that just goes to show- eat your brocoli!
  15. Wow Sandy , that is great! Donna G
  16. Hi Dianne, I live here in Minnesota also. If you live near the Twin Cities , our live group is meeting today at 1pm at Regions Hospital, St Paul, in the Minnesota Room just outside the cafeteria. We would love to meet you. Welcome to this on line community. I am sure you will get lots of support here. Donna G
  17. Welcome, Many of us blame all our problems on Chemo brain, welcome to the club! Great to hear your story. Donna G
  18. Lisa , that sounds like good news! Especially the part that he has HOME in the plans! Donna G
  19. We have several in our local group who are more than 4 yrs and still in remission. Donna G
  20. congradulations, apples are good for you! Donna G
  21. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you are home. O I bet you are really going to enjoy having Karen for a visit. Have fun and continue to do well. Donna G
  22. Welcome. I had Cisplatin but not the other. Most of my hair fell out ( but not all) < I did not have problems with nausea or dehydration. Some changes in blood counts, but no big problem from that. I got some nerve problems with the last treatments so skipped one Cisplatin. It is 7 + years later and I am fine so it was all worth while.
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