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Everything posted by carolhg

  1. carolhg


    Hello, We understand the anxiety that you are going through. I was soooooooooo scared at first. I was diagnosed stage 3A. I found and you will find support here to get you through. You will get through your treatments and before long you will be able to be a support for someone else. Carol
  2. carolhg

    She's gone

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I HATE THIS DISEASE and all the pain that it bring upon individuals and families. Praying for you and your family. Praying for a cure. Carol
  3. YES! There is hope and many good outcomes to cyberknife. YES! Brain tumors can be zapped away. You hang in there, you will feel better when you get those mets zapped away. Carol
  4. Joanie, I am so sorry to hear that infection is bothering you again. Hopefully they can give you some antibiotics that can knock it out this time. Take care. Carol
  5. Dana, I am so very sorry that you lost your mother. I HATE THIS DISEASE. I hate the pain that it has brought to you and your family. Please accept my condolences. Your mother was a beautiful, woman. I always admired her in that beautiful dress and the tiny waist line that she had in the picture she posted with you, her and your dad at your wedding. She will truly be missed. Carol
  6. I also am praying that everything is okay. Please try not to stress yourself out over something that is unknown right now. Most likely everything will be fine. Carol
  7. By the Grace of God my report continues to show No Evidence of Disease. I was a bit nervous because I am so close to that all important two year mark. July 1, will be two years since my surgery. My scan was a little different this time too. They did not just the chest but the abdomen and pelvis. I had to drink some barium stuff that was supposed to taste like a banana smoothie-did not. Hey I am not complaining. I am grateful to God and I appreciate all of you soooooooooo much. Carol
  8. I think that is a positive Blaze. Each and every day I think about lung cancer, wonder if its back, then try to shove those thoughts out of my mind. Now matter they still creep in and sometimes they just sit and stay a spell. Carol
  10. ((((((((((((((((((Prayers)))))))))))))))))))) Carol
  11. FANTASTIC Kasey! I am looking forward to hearing about your flowers EVERY YEAR! Carol
  12. A wonderful, wonderful blessing! Carol
  13. I am so very sorry that you have cancer in your lives again. It is just horrible. I hate it soooooooo much. Prayers Carol
  14. Rich, That is super, super good news! Congratulations! Carol
  15. Praying for a successful surgery and recovery. Carol
  16. Welcome Sherry, You are a real fighter which is just what you need to be in this cancer battle. Carol
  17. I will be praying in California. Count me in! Carol
  18. carolhg

    No bone mets!

    Great News! Carol
  19. Connie, I certainly hope and pray that this new nodule is just a nodule with no medical significance. God Bless you Connie. Carol
  20. I am glad to hear that you are doing okay. Take care. Carol
  21. carolhg

    I did it

    Good for you Lilly! Carol
  22. Randy I am so very sorry. Carol
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