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Everything posted by Sheri

  1. Hello everyone, when I first came upon this site, I started reading the SCLC forum from the last post to the most recent. I read every page, every post so that's why I wanted to put this post in this forum, to give those who are battling SCLC hope. On Father's Day, my Dad was up in Clio babysitting his brother's dogs. We were suppose to go to Lonestar for dinner and my Stepmom called and told me that my Dad had a seizure or spell of some kind and dinner was out of the question. She wanted to get him home (two hour drive) asap. I asked to talk to him and I never heard him sound so weak. An hour later he called me from the road and sounded perfectly normal. I went to his house and barbequed prime rib for him, the same thing he would have ordered at Lonestar. The following Wednesday, my Stepmom called to tell me that he had another spell and he refuses to go to the hospital. I went right over there, begged and cried and he finally agreed to go. At the emergency room they did a Brain CT scan and said there were no changes and he could go home. I called his onc the next day, they received the ER scans/reports and noticed the skull met that had been radiated showed growth. I was told the area received the maximum amount of radiation and we may want to talk about Hospice at our June 25th meeting. I asked for a steriod prescription to be called in to get him through the weekend, which they obliged. I immediately went into research mode and thinking of our own tenacious DonM, looked into Cyberknife. I called the cyber center in Ann Arbor and they told me they could not treat it because the met was attached to the cranial wall and they considered it a bone met. The next closest center is in East Chicago, Indiana and they agreed to consider it. At our Monday morning meeting I let the onc say what he was going to say and then he said we would do another MRI to compare apples to apples. I really think the onc didn't know what to do, why scan if they couldn't treat? I think he just wanted us out of his office. At that point, my Dad pulled out our ace and said we were looking into Cyberknife. His cancer center was real receptive to faxing all the info the Cyber Center in Indiana needed and today I received the call, they are going to treat him! We have a consultation scheduled for Friday! We don't know when actual treatment will begin, they are backed up but the nurse I'm talking with said they will get him in as soon as humanly possible. Thank you for this site, I may never have known of Cyberknife. Please keep Dad in your prayers that the Cyberknife is successful and his treatment begins quickly. I'm so relieved, I'm still a blubbering mess.
  2. In the 2 1/2 years since my Dad has been dealing with his battle, I have never been asked if he smoked. But I do like the response, "why do you ask?". And Val, I remember when you first wrote of this: I know we all have been stunned stupid by what someone has said only to think of a good retort after the fact, but my best response to that woman would have been: "No, she would have smoked more knowing she only had five more years to live!"
  3. Sheri


    I'm so very sorry for your and your kids great loss.
  4. Cindy, You are and will continue to be our SCLC poster child. Your incredible journey is such an inspiration to those who are at battle with this disease! Congratulations!
  5. "My dad's cousin's daughter's husband will be 90 this summer". Boy, Muriel, had to think about that one! My Dad's Mom is 91 and my Mom's Mom is not too far behind.
  6. Topotecan also known as Hycamtin has been available in oral form through trials for awhile. Our own Jen (jcawork) was on it. Sure beats having to have to go to the treatment center for infusions!
  7. Awww... a baby bunny. How adorable!
  8. I just commented and voted. If you have an AMEX card and you manage your card online, you don't have to re-register. Use the user name and password already registered with AMEX. Great job guys!
  9. Sheri

    No Lung No Cancer

    Heather, I'm so glad to hear you came through surgery fine. You may have a few months of recovery but you have friends here who will give you total support. No cancer, how beautiful is that? Giving you my best for the many years to come.
  10. Thanks Susan for letting others know about that link. I have been researching DCA also and have been watching for any favorable progress from members of that board. The forum is still fairly new and I haven't checked it lately so it may be too soon to see a success story. But it doesn't hurt to monitor it!
  11. Reading this gave me goosebumps Kelly. What a beautiful tribute!
  12. Mail! My kitchen table is a catch-all.
  13. Sheri

    Go Rest High...

    I'm so sorry Missy. She couldn't have had a better advocate than you. I hope the days ahead pass gently.
  14. Happy Birthday Katie! Wow, I would say you don't look a day over 25!
  15. Sheri

    Go Rest High...

    Sorry Missy for this tremendous loss.
  16. Today, we went and met with my Dad's Med Onc, Rad Onc and their nurses. It was wonderful to see them all. Dad is doing good, no chemo for now and he'll have tests next month. Anyway, I was so pleased the leftover post cards Katie sent me for Relay for Life are displayed prominently in our local cancer center. Also, I found WALC.org information displayed. I don't know how many postcards are left but wouldn't it be great if we were able to place them in all cancer centers?
  17. Sounds good Ned! This means you'll be around to offer your wonderful support for quite some time. Aloha!
  18. How absolutely wonderful to hear from you. Leslie's departure was devastating to us, but nothing compared to your loss. I'm glad you have found a new companionship. You obviously haven't replaced her, you still care and love her deeply, as demonstrated by your posting here. I hope Karen helps heal the pain, Leslie would want that. Good luck to you and thanks for checking in!
  19. The only thing I can add is thank goodness you are a candidate for surgery. That's a shot for a cure! Best of luck on your surgery and I'll add extra prayers for you that day. The left lung is smaller than the right so you will still have your dominate lung in place. As others who have had this surgery may tell you, with exercise and therapy you may find yourself at full breath capacity soon after surgery. It won't happen instantly but eventually you may go back to your normal life. ConnieB is a great example of living with lung removal. I'm happy you are a candidate. Rejoice and plan on raising your little ones. You'll be around for awhile.
  20. Sheri

    She's gone

    I'm so sorry Kelly. I'm glad it was peaceful, though it did happen so quickly. Peace and comfort in the days to come.
  21. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Mom.
  22. Nova, I read somewhere that 90% of all LS-SCLC patients achieve remission. You're only half way through, so you may see "right down to nothing" yet!
  23. Hi Nova, Will Harry be getting Carboplatin? It's alot easier then the Cisplatin and the jury is still out on if it is less effective or comparable. My Dad did really good through this chemo. Yes he lost his beautiful blonde locks but never had any nausea. Good to hear about the shrinkage. I wish Harry continued success!
  24. Sheri


    Awwww, she's adorable!
  25. Sheri

    More Flowers

    Kasey, I think a nice bouquet for your original oncologist would be in order. Congrats on your continued survival. You made it happen!
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