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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. trish2418

    Pet results

    That's just incredible, Jamie. I'm so very happy for you and your family. Trish
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending prayers for your dad. Trish
  3. Welcome, and thanks for sharing your remarkable story. You're an inspiration to all of us. Trish
  4. She is a beauty! Congratulations and enjoy her. Trish
  5. Sending prayers for good results. Good luck, Nina and Judy. Trish
  6. Hi Andrea, Sorry to hear about your friend's diagnosis. I was also diagnosed IIIB, with hilar node involvement, no effusion (although I developed a pleural effusion during treatment). I started with carbo/taxol, added radiation 6 weeks into treatment, and then another 3 months of taxotere following radiation. I'm now NED and have been taking Tarceva for 15 months. Hope treatment goes as smoothly for your friend. Keep us posted. Trish
  7. So glad it's just sunburn! I could relate all too easily to your story, though. Maybe paranoia is just another tool in the survival kit. Take care and stop flashing! Trish
  8. trish2418

    The Big "5"

    What great news, Terrie!!! Kudos to your family for spoiling you today. Trish
  9. Great news! I'll say prayers that the CT scans show the same. Trish
  10. Pit Bulls. I'm absolutely terrified of them. Trish
  11. Yay for Mom!!! I'm also happy-dancing for you guys. Trish
  12. Hi Robin, I had low-dose Taxotere while I was on radiation and when my counts were too low for full-dose. It's been 16 months since my last Taxotere treatment and I'm doing great. I hope it works well for your mom. Trish
  13. trish2418


    Welcome back and good luck with the tests. Trish
  14. Hang in there, Missy! That baby's just about perked. Prayers for a short labor and easy delivery and a happy, healthy baby. Trish
  15. trish2418


    It's 703 days that I've been smoke-free, and each day I pledge that I will not smoke today. Just today. I'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here. Congratulations on 2 months -- that's a major accomplishment. Remember -- one day at a time. Good luck. Trish
  16. Hi Michelle and welcome. I had the same combo that your dad will be receiving along with concurrent radiation. You've already been given lots of great advice about possible side effects, etc., so I won't add to that. What I will say is let your dad eat whatever he wants whenever he wants. I gained 15 pounds at the start of treatment but lost that and an additional 10 pounds by the end of treatment. If his radiation is aimed near the esophagus, he may have lots of difficulty eating as radiation progresses. I'll say some extra prayers that treatment goes well for your dad. Take care, Trish
  17. Sorry about the recurrence, John. I have confidence, though, that you'll knock those cancer cells out once again. Hang in there. Trish
  18. trish2418

    News about Bill

    I'm so very sorry for your loss, Teri. I'm praying you find peace in the days ahead and I look forward to reading your's and Bill's book. Take care of yourself. Trish
  19. Just California rolls. No raw fish for me! Trish
  20. trish2418

    Scan results

    Time to put the warrior hat back on and battle the beast again. I'm confident that you'll knock the cancer right out again. Sending prayers. Trish
  21. Welcome, Suebee. It also helps to keep an organizer or folder of business cards, test results, prescriptions, etc., in one place. I understand that the Lance Armstrong Foundation offers one for free to cancer patients. Good luck tomorrow. Trish
  22. Hi Shelley, I had both low-dose (once a week) and high-dose (once every 3 weeks) Taxotere. Low dose was kind to me -- I really didn't suffer any bad side effects. The high-dose did take a toll on me -- low blood counts, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite. Not unbearable, but not particularly pleasant. Good luck to your mom. I hope she enjoys the cruise. Trish
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