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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I'm so glad surgery went well for your mom. I'll say lots of prayers that Tarceva works as well for her as is does for me. Take care. Trish
  2. Welcome, Sonja. Trish
  3. trish2418

    My port . . .

    Great news, Muriel! Trish
  4. trish2418


    My heart is just breaking for you and the children and I'm praying for all of you. May Karen rest in peace. Trish
  5. Congrats on 4 years, Debi. Quite the milestone. Enjoy all the new opportunities and challenges in your life. Trish
  6. Welcome! It's always good when those doctor visits get spaced farther and farther apart. Keep us posted on how treatment is going. Trish
  7. I'd definitely let the onc. know about that. Doesn't sound right. Good luck. Trish
  8. trish2418

    Stable on Tarceva

    So glad the Tarceva is working for your dad. It's just criminal that the drug that is obviously saving his life is not covered. I hope that changes soon. Trish
  9. Everything above plus a razor. Trish
  10. I never experienced any fevers from Tarceva (I take 150 mg), but I never experienced fevers from chemo, either. It does sound like your mom might do better at 100 mg. Good luck. Trish
  11. That is so great!!! Congrats to Mom. Trish
  12. My sincere condolences. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  13. Nice to see you post again and I'm so glad things are going well for you and your dad. Take care. Trish
  14. I didn't have surgery, but I did have chemo/radiation and have had great results. I'll bet you will too. Good luck. Trish
  15. I will keep Nancy in my prayers. Thanks for the update. Trish
  16. Welcome, Mandi. So sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis, but as others have said, there is reason for hope. You'll find many survivors here of late stage cancer (me, for one). Please come here often for strength and encouragement. Trish
  17. Welcome. Sorry to hear about your mom. The fact that she is otherwise in good health will help her tolerate the treatments well. Keep us posted. Trish
  18. I'd love to, but I have a 14-year old daughter who somehow senses when I want to go online and will then have some kind of emergency that absolutely requires the internet. I've attempted Tuesday nite chat a couple of times but was kicked out almost immediately by the girl. Sigh. Trish
  19. I can't help with the medical info, but I did want you to know that I'm sending extra prayers out for you. Trish
  20. Hi Neil, I've been on Tarceva 13 months and have had no issues with nausea or change in the taste of food. I have high cholesterol issues, so I don't eat fatty foods or red meats, just lots of chicken/turkey/fish, fruits and veggies (sigh!). Hope it improves for you. Trish
  21. trish2418

    My Dad :(

    I'm so sorry, Tina. Your family is in my prayers. Trish
  22. That's wonderful, Debra. Sending good wishes that it keeps working for you. Trish
  23. My pulmonologist presented my case to the Tumor Board, so my oncologist, rad onc and surgeon were all familiar with my history and my films before I ever met them. I met the onc and the rad onc before the surgeon because it was hoped that the chemo/rad combo would shrink the tumor and clear the lymph nodes enough to allow surgery. Unfortunately, that didn't happen; but I'm doing exceptionally well almost 2 years later. Good luck. Trish
  24. As another survivor, Please stay, Missy. Knowledge is power, and you gained a lot of knowledge about LC throughout your mom's fight. I love that you're here to share that knowledge. Trish
  25. trish2418

    One Year

    Happy Anniversary, Lilly!!! Here's to many, many, many more. Trish
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