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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I have no advice to offer -- just sending hugs and prayers. Hang in there. Trish
  2. Thank you for staying with us as long as you did -- you provided much-needed support to me and many others. I wish you nothing but happiness, success and joy in this next phase of the journey. God bless. Trish
  3. Cheryl, I don't know what happened 2 years ago; nor do I care. I do hope you will feel free to post here -- you obviously know a great deal about how to survive lung cancer. We can all use your knowledge and support. It goes without saying that you have my support. Trish
  4. Wonderful news, Grace! Go enjoy the weekend. Trish
  5. Great news, Raney. Keep those good reports coming. Trish
  6. What a wonderful way to honor your Mom. You must be so deservedly proud. Trish
  7. Wishing you a VERY Happy Birthday, Katie. What kind of cake are we having? Trish
  8. You're right, Dar -- your mom is where she needs to be right now. The docs and nurses will get her rehydrated and ready to fight again. I'm sending prayers that she's back home and feeling well quickly. Trish
  9. trish2418

    Go Rest High...

    I am so very sorry, Missy. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  10. Congratulations! I'm sure you're one heckuva great uncle. Trish
  11. Sending hugs and prayers your way, Grace. Trish
  12. Congratulations, Cindi! Keep those good reports coming. Trish
  13. Put on your warrior paint, Bucky, and go get 'em! Don't be afraid of an anti-depressant if you need it; it's just another weapon in your arsenal. Stay strong. Trish
  14. I'm so very sorry for your losses, Lisa. Trish
  15. Congratulations, Bill, and here's to many, many more years. Trish
  16. trish2418

    Hawaii Opinion

    No info on Hawaii, but I sure am glad you're able to get away. Have a great time ... I'm very envious. Trish
  17. Heather, Just wanted to let you know that I'm thrilled that surgery is an option for you. You'll do great in surgery and you'll awake with the beast GONE! Enjoy yourself these next few days and know that you've got prayers from all over the country going up for you. Maybe your husband can post an update after surgery? Trish
  18. Welcome, Wendy. So sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis, but you will find lots of hope and encouragement here. I'm also a Stage III diagnosed 21 months ago and going strong. Never did have hip pain, though, so I can't offer any help with that. Keep us posted on how your dad's treatment is going. Trish
  19. Like the others have said, this point in the radiation treatment was as bad as it got for me, too. I existed on creamed soups, iced green tea, and homemade slushies. It does begin to get better about 2 weeks after radiation is completed and then just keeps getting better and better. Good luck to your Mom. trish
  20. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your mother and for your father's illness. It's just tragic that you're having to go through this again. You and your dad are in my prayers. Trish
  21. Please accept my condolences, Mary. Trish
  22. Welcome, Richard. So sorry you had to find us, but you will find lots of hope, strength, and encouragement here. Keep us posted as you progress through treatment. Good luck. Trish
  23. Welcome, Cheryl. I'm sending prayers that treatment goes well for your dad. Keep us posted. Trish
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