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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Happy Anniversary, Betty! So glad you're doing well. Go and do something extra special for yourself today. Trish
  2. Hi Kathy, and welcome. How wonderful to see you post. All of the doubts and insecurities you expressed are, I think, common to all of us when we finish treatment. I never had surgery, so I can't comment on those side effects, but I can say that hair grows back (mine did!), you'll get stronger and stronger every day, and you'll begin to feel ready to take back your life again. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. Trish By the way, we all adore your son -- you've done a great job with him.
  3. Welcome, Charlotte. I hope treatment goes well for Jimmy. Please keep us posted on his progress. Trish
  4. 12 years is just incredible, Connie. You've made a huge difference in the lives of so many of us in that time. Here's to countless more years. Trish
  5. Glad to see you're doing ok, Aaron. Have some big time fun next week. Trish
  6. Walk every day. I try to start the day walking 5000 steps -- puts me in a great mood and makes me feel strong and in control. It's also good for the tremendous appetite I've acquired since finishing chemo/rad. Laugh long and loud a few times a day. Trish
  7. Hi Jim and welcome here. I was also diagnosed 3B adeno in August '05 and finished my last chemo treatment in March '06. Since then I've been taking Tarceva once a day. Hope it goes that way for you as well. Keep us posted. Trish
  8. trish2418


    Sending prayers for Roger. Trish
  9. That's just great, Eileen! We're all celebrating with you. Here's to the next 7 and many after that. Trish
  10. Hi Dana, I've been taking Tarceva for just about a year now. I started it after traditional chemo/radiation knocked the stuffing out of my tumor. The worst problem for me has been a rash on my face that's pretty well controlled with an oral antibiotic and an antibiotic lotion. Every once in a while, though, it pops out again. Aside from that (and I consider that to be minor), I've seen no downside to taking Tarceva. You can find lots of info on Tarceva on Dr. West's website "onctalk.com". I wish your mom great success with Tarceva. Take care of yourself while you're taking care of your parents, Dana. You're all in my prayers. Trish
  11. I'm sure your mom appreciates having you with her more than she can say. My prayers are with all of you. Trish
  12. Sending prayers, Missy. Hang in there. Trish
  13. I'm so sorry, Randy. You're right, though, they are watching over you. Hugs and a warm blanket, Trish
  14. Like Heidi, I tend to get cysts around the ear area. Hope Bill's problem is nothing more serious than that. Trish
  15. What a wonderful and special day for both of you. I'm celebrating with you. Trish
  16. Welcome, Steph, and I'm glad to see you've been embraced by our wonderful community. Let us know how we can help you. Trish
  17. trish2418

    I did it

    Congratulations, Lily!!! One year is such an important milestone. Go do something extra special for yourself today. Trish
  18. Terrific, Heather! Go celebrate! Trish
  19. trish2418


    What great news, Jan! I love it. Trish
  20. Wonderful news! I'm very happy for you guys. Trish
  21. You go, girlfriend!!! I'm a few months behind you on the 2-yr anny and I'm praying for decades and decades of me being a few months behind you. Go do something extra special for yourself today. Hugs, Trish
  22. Hi Mary Collen, I'm sorry the two of you have to go through this with that oaf of a doctor. I'm praying that he makes for his lack of a bedside manner with superior skill as a rad onc. Prayers and hugs, Trish
  23. Hi Lilly, BUY THE CURTAINS!!!! After my last chemo treatment I was very hesitant to spend money because "what if...". It took a couple of months, but I finally decided that I didn't go through chemo and radiation to be afraid to live and to be consumed every moment with and to make every decision based on "what if". Like you, I'm the main breadwinner in the family. I worked all through treatment and continue to work and wouldn't have it any other way. My daughter is on my insurance plan. I like to think that if something were to happen to me, my husband would rise to the occassion and do what needs to be done for my daughter. I have no doubt your husband would do the same. Live your life lustily, Lilly. You've earned it. And let us see a picture of the curtains. Trish
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