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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Hi Heather, I bought wigs, hats, scarves, etc. at Headcovers.com and found them to be very reliable. I don't remember seeing a video on how to wrap scarves, but they may have one. By the way, I had my last chemo treatment in March '06, burned my wig 11/06 and have a full head of hair now. It's true -- it does grow back! Hang in there. Trish
  2. I so admire your strength and courage at this time. I'm sure your mother is proud of you and grateful to have you with her. Sending you lots of prayers and hugs. Trish
  3. I'm so sorry cancer is touching your family again, Jen. That just sucks. I'll say a prayer for all of you. Trish
  4. Please accept my condolences, Nicole. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  5. Please accept my condolences, Heather. I'm glad you were able to make his last days so special. Know in your heart that you did everything you could for him. Trish
  6. You're amazing, Nick! Trish
  7. Hi Aaron, Glad to hear the hair is growing back in and the pain is subsiding. It's great when you really start to feel human again. As for diarrhea, I had a terrible time with ulcerative colitis for a couple of months after my last chemo. GI prescribed Asacol (horrible name!), in addition, I take Florastor, a probiotic, twice a day. I also eat Activia yogurt every single morning because I'm superstitious now and think if I stop eating it, the diarrhea will come back. I've been fine now for almost a year, still take Minocycline and Clindamycin, and pray that the diarrhea never returns. Dealing with that truly sucked. Good luck and I hope you find something that works. Trish
  8. And in 26 months I want to hear that bell ringing all the way in Miami! Best of luck and good health to you and your mom. Trish
  9. Welcome, Betts. Hope treatment goes well for you dad. Please keep us posted. Trish
  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Sonia. Trish
  11. Chocolate cake. I can't pass up any of the birthday cakes at work.
  12. Please know that I'm sending prayers for your entire family. Your strength amazes me. Trish
  13. WOW! That's just great! Go out and celebrate today. Trish
  14. trish2418

    STABLE :)

    Terrific news, Tammy! Hope you and Dad are going to do lots of celebrating! Trish
  15. I'm so sorry you had the need to find us, Loretta, but welcome. I'll say prayers for you and your husband. Trish
  16. Saying prayers for Cindy. Trish
  17. Welcome, Yvette. Sorry to hear about your dad but I'm glad he's responding to treatment. I'll also send out prayers for good scans. Keep us posted. Trish
  18. Hi Shelley, My persistent cough disappered midway between the first and second chemo treatment. Hoping your mom keeps having good results with chemo. Trish
  19. Sorry you had to find us Lynne, but welcome. Good luck with the tests and I hope the results are favorable. Keep us posted and know that there are lots and lots of survivors doing quite well here. Trish
  20. I'm an 8 -- happily between Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton. Trish
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