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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I'm so sorry for you, Connie and your entire family. Frank was an incredible presence here on LCSC and we will miss him like crazy. Rest in peace, Frank. Trish
  2. So glad you're home, Nancy. Take care of yourself and follow doctors' orders! Trish
  3. Thank you, Patty, for the update. It's good to know that Frank is surrounded by love right now. My prayers are with all of you. Trish
  4. trish2418

    James R. Bair

    Please accept my condolences on the loss of your father. You and your family are in my prayers. Trish
  5. Welcome, Gina. So sorry to hear about your dad's recurrence. I'll be praying that the docs can control it. Good luck to you and your dad. Trish
  6. I'm sending out special prayers for your sister. Trish
  7. Grace, I'm so glad Carlton is home with you and the girls. Hopefully the oncologist will come up with a plan that will help Carlton. Take care of your family and don't worry about us here. We're thinking about you and praying for all of you. Trish
  8. Hi Wendy, I'm glad your husband's pain is under control now. I'll be praying for good scan results. Take care. Trish
  9. Thank you, Pattie, for sending us Frank's words. Frank, you are truly an amazing man who has touched many, many lives. I'm so glad you're surrounded by that wonderful family of yours. I'm sending lots of hugs and prayers your way. Trish
  10. Welcome, Linda. You'll find lots of useful information from lots of very caring people here. I'll say a prayer for your dad today. Trish
  11. trish2418

    What's this?

    Hi Tracy, My last PET scan showed "bullous emphysema" of my left (good) lung. My pulmonologist described it (if I remember correctly) as my left lung compensating for the loss of function (caused by the tumor and radiation) in my right lung by hyper-inflating. My lung function is quite good so I'm not super concerned. I walk about 10,000 steps a day so that may be why my pulmonologist isn't that concerned about it either. Good luck. Trish
  12. I am so sorry to read this. You and your family are in my prayers. May Jim rest in peace. Trish
  13. My prayers continue for you, Carlton and the girls. We're here for you. Trish
  14. Welcome, Claire. So sorry to hear about your father's diagnosis. Please keep us posted as his treatment progresses. Stay strong. Trish
  15. I'm praying for lots of strength for you and Carlton and the girls. Hang in there, Grace. Trish
  16. I'm always convinced that each scan will bring bad news. Luckily, that hasn't been the case but somehow I can't escape the pre-scan jitters. I'll be praying for good results for your mom. Hang in there. Trish
  17. Hi Candy, I'm sorry your mom is having such a rough time right now; hopefully, the rest from chemo will do her the world of good. You asked about Taxotere and Alimta and I just wanted to let you know that Dr. West has a post regarding those 2 drugs on his site onctalk.com. Personally, I had quite a few doses of Taxotere. It gets rougher to handle with each dose, but in my case it really knocked the life out of my tumor. Good luck to you and your mom. Trish
  18. trish2418

    Clear margins!

    What great news! Good luck with chemo and keep us posted. Trish
  19. What terrific news! Thanks for sharing. Trish
  20. Hang in there, Frank. I'm sending lots of love and prayers your way. Hope the pain get managed soon. Take care. Trish
  21. Way too slow. I went to the ER, was admitted, and had a PET, CT, broncoscopy, MRI, PFT and port installed in 4 days. Good luck to you. Trish
  22. Hi Jennifer, I'm sorry your mom's reports weren't better. I've been taking Tarceva for 9 months and have had great success with it. Common side effects are a severe rash at about 2-3 weeks after starting the pill and diarrhea. I had the rash (controlled by Minocycline and Clindamycin) but not the diarrhea, thankfully. I hope treatment goes well for your mom. Take care. Trish
  23. Oh my God, Grace; I'm reading your post at work and the tears are just running down my face. I'm praying that the docs can get to the bottom of what's going on and successfully treat it. Quickly. You, Carlton, and the girls remain in my prayers. Stay strong. Trish
  24. trish2418

    CT News is Good

    Hi Pat, Glad to hear that your mom is responding so well to treatment. I had a reaction to carbo on my 6th or 7th round. Not a big deal -- discontinued the carbo, had lots of IV benadryl and was "better" very quickly. Remember, though, that most patients do not ever have a reaction to carbo. I continued chemo after that with Taxotere only, no platinum based chemo, and had great results. I'm praying for the same for your mom. Take care. Trish
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