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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I worked throughout treatment, but on a very limited basis. I'm blessed with great employers, wonderful co-workers, and an incredibly interesting job. BUT, I work in the music publishing industry -- it's fun coming to work. It's nothing like the real world difficulties you have to face. I think if you're hesistant to return to work, there's a good reason behind it. Trust your gut. Trish
  2. Your daughter and niece are amazing -- I'm sure your mom was watching them proudly. I'm keeping you in my prayers. Trish
  3. trish2418

    fed up

    Hi Elkie, Dr. West's site is onctalk.com. You will have to register to post a question. Trish
  4. Here's a chance to focus attention on lung cancer by telling your story to Newsweek. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16565425/site/newsweek/ My Turn: Health Triumphs Tell us how you survived a personal health crisis. What got you through a battle with cancer or a tough recovery after a serious injury? Perhaps you've learned to manage a chronic condition like diabetes or Parkinson's disease. Or maybe you're coping with mental health issues. Take us from the onset of your illness to the day you turned a crucial corner. What did you learn about your physical and emotional strengths? Were there people in your life that buoyed you with support or guidance? What was your medical care like? We'll run the best of our submissions throughout 2007. Submission Guidelines: Your essay should be: a) An original piece, 850-900 words, and c) Personal in tone. It should not be framed as a response to a Newsweek story or another Newsweek reader essay. Submissions must not have been published elsewhere. Please include your full name, phone number, e-mail address and home address with your entry. We are fully aware of the time and effort involved in preparing an essay, and each manuscript is given careful consideration. Please allow two months for your submission to be considered.
  5. trish2418

    Please Think

    I know you're not using it as an excuse, but those darned steroids! They really did a number on me, too. I became a screaming banshee the day after chemo; the anger and aggression I felt was absolutely frightening to me. One day I screamed at my husband for 15 minutes because he left crumbs on the floor! Crazy! I learned to knock myself out with Benadryl the day after chemo because I didn't want to feel that awful rage or to say or do something I'd be sorry for later. My family and friends knew to stay out of my way the day after chemo. I'm so glad your treatment is going well. I look forward to your wit and wisdom for many years to come. Oh, and next time ... just listen to Teri! Trish
  6. (((((((Katie))))))) You and your family continue to be in my prayers. Trish
  7. My prayers are with you and your family. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  8. I had an MRI at the time of diagnosis but I haven't had one since (18 months ago). I see my oncologist on the 29th and I'll ask him about it then. Trish
  9. Hi Robin, I experienced no discomfort at all with the port. The surgeon prescribed some painkillers but I never needed to take them. Good luck and I hope your first chemo goes well. Trish
  10. Please keep posting. Your strength, compassion and support are needed by all of us. Thank you for the time you continue to make for those of us having to deal with LC on a daily basis. Trish
  11. Hi Nick, Looks like I'm the first patient/survivor to respond. So, here's my 2 cents -- please, LEAVE THE TIMELINE IN! It helps me to appreciate you and your mother more than you'll ever know. By the way, thank you for remaining such an active and supportive voice on this Board. Your compassion inspires me. Trish
  12. Praying for you, Don. Trish
  13. Sending out lots of prayers for your mom, Katie. Trish
  14. Please accept my condolences. My prayers are with you and your family. Trish
  15. I'm sending out lots of prayers for you, Barbara. Please let us know how the tests turn out. Trish
  16. My heart just aches for you. Your family remains in my prayers. Trish
  17. Hi Mary Colleen, My last 2 rounds of chemo were brutal. I had been doing low-dose Taxotere (weekly) during radiation which was tolerable, but when I finished radiation, I went back to every 3-week Taxotere which just knocked me on my butt. The good news is that the recovery from the last dose was slow but steady. Within about 5 months my blood counts were completely in the normal range and I was feeling better than ever. Hope it goes that way with your husband. Trish
  18. Good ro see you again, Debra, and I'm glad the chemo hasn't been too difficult for you. Good luck with the rest of treatment and please keep us posted on how you're doing. Trish
  19. Congratulations on finishing chemo! Huge accomplishment. I've been on Tarceva for 10 months and suffered from the Tarceva pox in the beginning. I still take a Minocycline pill and apply clindamycin cream at bedtime even though I haven't seen any signs of the rash in months. Superstitious, I guess. Never had a Tarceva-related diarrhea problem. I have felt great since being on Tarceva. My doc and I are going to talk about taking me off it if the next set of scans in early February are good. I'm a little superstitious about that, too, but it would be nice to lose the 3 remaining prescriptions I'm taking. Life without prescription drugs ... imagine! Enjoy Mexico. Trish
  20. Please accept my condolences. May your mom rest in peace. Take care. Trish
  21. Lots of prayers being sent your way, Tina. I hate that you're going through this again. Stay strong. Trish
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