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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Happy Birthday, Lilly! I know what you mean -- birthdays are extra-special after diagnosis. I'm sure you'll be feeling much better this time next year. Stay strong! Trish
  2. Hi Flo I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis, but please take heart in the fact that it can be beaten. Your husband's treatment regimen is very similar to the one I went through. The concurrent chemo/radiation is not easy, but its certainly doable. Many of us (myself included), are able to keep working through treatment. I had a Chest X-Ray, MRI, PET Scan, CT scan and bronchoscopy all in the 4-day period that I was in the hospital. I didn't ask for the MRI, it was just ordered by my doctor. As for supplements, the only thing I took during treatment was liquid Aloe Vera to help with swallowing problems. I've added a lot of supplements post-treatment, but didn't have the attention span to keep up with drug interaction problems with supplements and chemo drugs and the many prescription drugs I was on and off during treatment. If you'd like to ask me any questions, please feel free to PM me. I hope the chemo/rad treatment shows great results for your husband. Trish
  3. I'm sorry you had the need to find us, but welcome to our community. I hope your husband's treatment is successful. Remember to take care of yourself through this process so you can take care of him. Happy New Year and keep us posted. Trish
  4. More prayers from me, Lilly. Good luck. Trish
  5. You and your dad are in my prayers. Trish
  6. The Neupogen shots should make a big difference. As her counts go back toward normal, your mom should start to feel much better. Hang in there. Praying for your family. Trish
  7. Sorry I don't have any advice to offer but I wanted you to know that you and John are in my prayers. Hang in there. Trish
  8. Hi Heather, and welcome. I was also staged 3B at diagnosis in August '05 and am doing great today. My esophagus also took a beating during radiation but now I can eat anything -- even crusty bread, without having to dunk it first! Hang in there through the next rounds of treatment. I'll be praying for you. Trish
  9. trish2418

    We said goodbye

    My heart goes out to you and your family, Rochelle. Your mom was quite a battler. May she rest in peace. Trish
  10. Please accept my condolences, Gwen. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  11. Please accept my condolences. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  12. Hi Lilly, I'm glad you've got the moms around to help you out if need be. Somehow it is very possible for me to picture my husband in your husband's situation. Don't let his craziness affect your taking care of yourself while going through treatment. Hope treatment is kind to you and I look forward to sharing a virtual toast with you next Christmas. Trish By the way, your children are beautiful. Enjoy them.
  13. In my case, what I imagined chemo to be was much worse that the actual chemo. Try not to focus too much on the upcoming treatment because you might forget to enjoy Wednesday and Thursday! Like the others have said, lots of water, anti-nausea meds, and don't try to fight the fatigue when it comes up. Your body needs sleep to heal. Good luck on Friday and keep us posted. Trish
  14. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us -- it helps more than you'll know. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Trish
  15. Happy Birthday, Sue! Wishing you many, many, many more. Trish
  16. trish2418


    And a very Merry Christmas to you and Teri. Enjoy. Trish
  17. trish2418

    Ma's NED!!!!

    Excellent news! Enjoy the holidays. Trish
  18. Excellent news! Go celebrate. Trish
  19. Good luck with the treatments, Joanie. I hope everything goes as planned. Trish
  20. trish2418


    A very big welcome to Caroline Nicole. Enjoy her and enoy the holidays. Trish
  21. I'm putting my money on you, Frank. Whatever you decide, my prayers and best wishes are with you. Start getting those golf clubs ready. Trish
  22. Welcome, Karla. He's been through a lot already, but it sounds like your husband is doing well with his treatment. That's great and shows what a fighter he is. Keep us posted on how the 2 of you are doing. Enjoy the holidays. Trish
  23. Hi Beth, I'm so glad they were able to get your mom's symptoms under control at the hospital. What a great Christmas present for all of you! Enjoy the holidays. Trish
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