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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Hi Mary Jo, I'm so sorry you're having to go through chemo for a 3rd time. Hopefully this is the one that knocks out the cancer for good. As for Tarceva, I've been on it for 8 months and I haven't had any weight loss issues. On the contrary, I have to stop myself from eating everything in sight. Good luck with your treatments. Trish
  2. trish2418


    Nicely done, Jamie! Your 2 years gives lots of hope and encouragement to the rest of IIIB's following in your steps. Here's to many, many more anniversaries and treat yourself to something extra special today. Enjoy the holidays, Trish
  3. trish2418

    To Carleen

    You're in my prayers. Trish
  4. Hi Bones, and welcome. I was also diagnosed Stage IIIB and am doing great 16 months after diagnosis. I never stopped working throughout my treatment, but I must admit I have wonderful employers who insisted I take off the Monday and Tuesday after my treatment on Fridays. Good luck to you and I hope treatment is kind to you. You're in my prayers. Trish
  5. What a cutie!!! Enjoy her. Trish
  6. Congratulations on 3000, Nina, and thanks for all the support and encouragement you give us. Here's to the next 3000. Trish
  7. You and your mom are in my prayers. Trish
  8. Welcome, Heather. So sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. You and your family are in my prayers. Trish
  9. Of course you should go and get the permit! You're taking the subway while you're going through chemo? Are you crazy? I spent many years commuting on NYC subways and I know those things are not for the immune system compromised. Please, please, get the permit! Take care of yourself. Trish
  10. What wonderful news, Tracy. I'm just thrilled for you and your family! Have a wonderful birthday and ENJOY the holidays. WoooHoooo! Trish
  11. Yuck for eating but I do decorate with them. Trish
  12. Hot chocolate, with mini marshmallows AND whipped cream! Trish
  13. Here's to spicy shrimp! Good job finding something your dad can eat. Trish
  14. I'm so sorry, Rochelle. I hope your mom's pain can be controlled soon. My prayers are with the 2 of you. Trish
  15. I am so sorry for your loss, Crystal. Darrell was indeed a very special person. You're in my prayers. Trish
  16. I'm so sorry you find the need to be here, Sawyer, but welcome to LCSC. Sounds like your mother has a lot of fight in her -- that will certainly work in her favor. Please let us know how she is doing as treatment progresses. You and your mom are in my prayers. Trish
  17. Welcome, Sue. I'm sorry you guys find yourselves having to walk this walk again. I don't have the answers to your questions, but I'm sure someone more knowledgable than me will be along with the answers soon. You'll see that there are many of us here having great success with Tarceva. I hope it does its magic with your partner. Keep us posted. Trish
  18. Lots of prayers and good wishes going your way for good scan results. I haven't had any SOB issues, so I'm not familiar with the rehab program you're talking about. Sounds fascinating, though. Hope you see good results with it. Take care, Trish
  19. trish2418

    Gamma Goodness

    What wonderful news, Kelly. Hope all mom's news continues to be good. Trish
  20. My prayers are with all of you. Trish
  21. My best wishes for a happy holiday season. Trish
  22. My heart aches for all who knew Darrell. He will be missed. Trish
  23. Hi Steph, I'm glad your dad is beginning to feel better. It's amazing, isn't it, how quickly the chemo kicks in. As for radiation, I was scared before I started it, but found it to be completely painless. Have your dad try to start putting on a few pounds now, because its likely that as he progresses through treatment, he will begin to lose weight. Lots of shakes, smoothies, mashed potatoes, etc. Good luck to both of you and I hope treatment goes well. Trish
  24. The waiting is hard, but try to think positive thoughts. I'm sending out lots of prayers for great results. Trish
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