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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Excellent news, Ernie! Now you can really enjoy the golf trip. Trish
  2. Just beautiful in every way possible. Congratulations again. Have you come down off Cloud 9 yet? Trish
  3. Fantastic news!!! I'm soooo happy for you guys! Let's make plans to celebrate Halloween together every year! Good news certainly beats good chocolate every time. Great big hugs and a heartfelt Hooray, Trish
  4. Lots of good thoughts headed your way. Trish
  5. Assorted chocolate bars -- Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Milky Way and Kit Kats. Yum! Hope we have very few trick-or-treaters and hope my daughter brings home lots of goodies. I just love Halloweeen!
  6. Welcome, Aimee. Let us know how we can help. Trish
  7. Why can't they just say the right hilar mass is GONE? Why do they have to say "the large right hilar mass seen on older studies has resolved visually and there is no residual hilar mass identified"? Just once I'd like them to say "NED"! Other buzz words on the report: "inactive tumor", "stable", "no evidence of spread". The sound of those words was better than the taste of chocolate truffles! Next onc. appt. and PET in 3 months. Till then I'll continue to do the Survivor Strut (similar to the Dana Carvey character Church Lady's Superior Dance but with more attitude)! Wishing nothing but good news to everyone out there. Happy Halloween! Trish
  8. Congratulations, Joan. So glad you got to ENJOY the wedding, not just attend. Can't wait to help you welcome the grandkids into the world. Trish
  9. trish2418

    Call from Dr.

    That's great news, Ginny. Go and do something really special for yourself today. I'll have a drink in your honor. Take care, Trish
  10. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Chris. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  11. Praying for you, your mom, and your entire family. Trish
  12. I have a port, but outside of chemo infusions, my port has not been accessed. Seems that aside from the oncology nurses, no one else wants to use it. My veins have been steadily getting better, though, since my last chemo in March. Hope your's improve, too. Trish
  13. Hi, again, Cindi. Poor thing, you've got an awful lot of symptoms to deal with. You've gotten some excellent suggestions about nutrition boosts. You might also try freezing juice in ice cube trays, cream of wheat with honey, and milk shakes. When my spirits were down, I'd have a Cappucino and Cream something or other from Dairy Queen. Yummmm! Hang in there, Cindi. Trish
  14. Sorry you had to find us, but Welcome. I hope your next round of tests proves that the treatment has been effective. Keep your spirits up. Trish
  15. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother. Let us know how we can help you. Trish
  16. Cindi, glad to hear the good news about your heart. Hopefully the SOB can be resolved somehow. Good to have you back with us. Trish
  17. Hope the fluid problem is resolved quickly. Hang in there. Trish
  18. That's great news! I'm so happy for you and your family. Trish
  19. Thanks for the update. Prayers continue. Trish
  20. trish2418

    more prayers

    Adding my prayers to those of the other good people here. Stay strong. Trish
  21. My prayers for you and your family. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  22. trish2418

    My mother

    I'm very sorry for your loss, John. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  23. Oh, Cindi, I do feel your pain! My internist (cardiology specialty) got all nuts about my cholesterol levels and advised me to stay away from that which comes from that which walks on 4 legs. Bah! I miss cheese, I miss burgers, I miss ice cream -- but I feel FANTASTIC! I would never have thought it before, but baked chicken does not necessarily have to be the devil. Best to forget about the finger lickin' for a bit and concentrate on the ticker tickin' instead. We need our Cindi back as quickly as possible! Feel better. Trish
  24. I was also annoyed by the fact that they kept saying that screening should begin at age 60 if you smoke or smoked a pack or more of cigarettes for at least 10 years. So many of us here are under 60 survivors but the guidelines wouldn't have caught us anyway. Long way to go. trish
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