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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your daughter. My heart goes out to you and all who knew Tiffany. I visited your website, and want you to know that you have truly honored her with this beautiful tribute. Thank you for continuing to advocate on behalf of lung cancer. Trish
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. May your sister rest in peace. Trish
  3. Hi Robin, I wish I could say something that would make your fear go away, but I just don't have the magic words. I did want to welcome you to LCSC, though, and to let you know that we are here for you. You're in my prayers. Trish
  4. Welcome, Becky. I look forward to your posts. Trish
  5. So sorry to hear about this latest setback. You're both in my prayers. Trish
  6. Please accept my condolences. May your uncle rest in peace. Trish
  7. Tracey, You and Godfrey are in my prayers. Trish
  8. Iced green tea helped me a lot. Also, cream of anything soup (not too hot). I found that about 2 weeks after stopping radiation, I started getting better and better each day. Took about 1-1/2 months to be able to eat easily again. Hope your mom's problems resolve themselves soon. Trish
  9. Thank you, Katie. You're a very special lady. Trish
  10. Good luck with the scan, Rob. I hope you get nothing but good results. Trish
  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Sophie. I hope her future treatments bring her some relief. Please keep us posted on her progress. Trish
  12. My prayers are with you and your family. Trish
  13. Danica, you're in my prayers. Trish
  14. trish2418

    Babies R Us

    I'm so sorry you're hurting right now, Nick. As a mother myself, I know that your mom would never have wanted you to deny yourself the joys of having a child. And your mom will live in your child, you'll be surprised by all the ways your child will remind you of your mom, even though they've never met. My father died 30 years before my daughter was born, and I see things in her that are just like him. They'll meet one day and magic will happen. Take good care of yourself and remember the happy times. Trish
  15. I have an appointment to have my hair done tomorrow! I haven't been able to say that since September of last year. For some strange reason though, chemo has made my hair turn grey (really more silvery, whitey, with some of my natural ash brown thrown in. Yuck.). It has to be the chemo. It couldn't be that I'm pushing 50 and menopausal with a 13-year old daughter who insists upon acting like a teenager. No, not that at all. Anyhow, the question becomes: to dye or not to dye? I've heard different theories -- not a problem, stay away from amonia and peroxide, and don't even think about it. What have the rest of you done? Do you proudly strut your new hair color or do you hit the bottle? Any problems encountered down the road from hair dye? I forgot to ask my onc this burning question and I don't want to bother him right before the holiday because I'm sure he's swamped. Life is good when this is my biggest concern. Trish
  16. I had a reaction to taxol midway through my second infusion. By slowing the drip way down, I was able to get through the infusion, but my doc decided to switch me to Taxotere for the next infusion. I did amazingly well on Taxotere/Carbo until having a reaction to carbo on the 6th infusion. Continued Taxotere only, finished chemo in March, and I'm doing great today. Bottom line -- chemo reactions are very frightening, but there are many alternatives out there and something is bound to provide the right fix. Good luck to you guys. Trish
  17. Cindi, only you would post this in the "Good News" forum. Your spirit is amazing and that's why we admire you so much. Keep on showing us how to fight the good fight. Trish
  18. It stinks that you have to be here, but welcome. Good luck with your treatment and keep us posted. You've found a community of friends now. Trish
  19. I'm so sorry that you're going through all this, Connie. I'm sending out lots of prayers that the docs can finally pinpoint the problem and treat it successfully. You're in my prayers. Trish
  20. trish2418

    Lost my heart

    My prayers for you and your daughters. May your husband rest in peace. Trish
  21. Please accept my condolences. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  22. Hang in there, Randy. The holidays will pass. But we are lucky because we have Randy here with us everyday, giving so much, like our own personal Santa. Feel better. Trish
  23. I'm so sorry your mom is feeling so poorly. C-diff is so brutal that it can really take the fight out of a person. Once that problem is controlled and your mom is able to eat regularly again, I'm sure she'll be able to resume treatment. Hang in there for her. Trish
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