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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Welcome, Paulette. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis, but you will see that we have a lot of Stage IV survivors here. Let us know how we can help. Trish
  2. Hi Dawn, I'm sorry your mom is having such a rough time of it right now. I found that the symptoms that brought me to the ER (coughing, SOB, chest pain) got much better shortly after chemo began and really cleared up once radiation began. I hope it goes that way for your mom. Hang in there. Trish
  3. Just precious, Don. Enjoy her. Trish
  4. Wonderful news, Tracy. I'm just thrilled for you and your family. Good luck with the remaining treatment and I hope the news continues to be as good or better. Trish
  5. Congratulations, Don. I'm sure you're going to be one heck of a great grandpa! Trish
  6. Hi Brian, Lots of prayers going out for Joanie and for you. Stay strong. Trish
  7. Praying for nothing but good news. Trish
  8. Hi Bucky, I didn't have that particular combo of chemo, but in general I found it helpful to drink lots and lots of water -- before, during and after treatment. It also helped me to bring some snacks along. Believe it or not, I actually found a certain comfort in going for the treatments because I kept telling myself that each treatment completed was bringing me closer to healing. Good luck with the treatments and let us know how they're going. Trish
  9. My prayers are with you and your mom. Trish
  10. I also was a 30 year smoker who quit on the day of diagnosis. I used an online site called Quitnet.com for peer support throughout the process. It's a great way to make friends who are going through or have gone through the same thing and can offer 24 hour support and guidance along the way. I'm very proud to say that I have been quit for 431 days and I still pledge each and every morning that I will not smoke today. If you'd like more info, feel free to p-m me. Trish
  11. Thanks for a wonderful post, Debi. Trish
  12. Hi Dawn and welcome. So sorry for what your family is going through right now. Don't let your fear get the best of you -- we are all big believers in living one day at a time. We're here when you need us. Trish
  13. Welcome, Liz. Sorry you had to find out about us, but glad you did find us. Your situation seems pretty similar to mine (see my profile below). Last year at this time I was doing chemo and radiation and now I'm taking Tarceva once a day, feeling terrific and looking forward to beating the odds for many more years. Hang in there, take it one day at a time, and keep on fighting. Trish
  14. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. Trish
  15. Lots of prayers and good wishes going out to Darrell. Trish
  16. Praying that your treatments go well. Trish
  17. trish2418

    P-M 2000

    Congratulations on 2000, Gail. Your support is much appreciated. Trish
  18. I have no suggestions for care, but I wanted you to know that you and your dad are in my prayers. Trish
  19. I found that the effects from radiation START to go away about 2 weeks from completion of treatment. However, you slowly start to feel better it doesn't happen all at once at 14 days. Listen to your body; if you need to rest, do it. Hope it goes well. Trish
  20. trish2418


    Congratulations to both of you! Trish
  21. trish2418

    Randy 2000

    Congratulations, Randy, and thanks for staying around for us. Trish
  22. So sorry to hear about your dad. Hope his treatment goes well. Trish
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