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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. I'm so sorry your mom has taken a turn for the worse. I pray its just a setback and that she'll be stronger soon. Congrats on the exhibit -- its a wonderful thing your doing for the cancer world. take care, Trish
  2. trish2418

    D-day #2

    Sending extra thoughts and prayers your way today. Trish
  3. Congratulations, Don, and thanks for all the wisdom, encouragement and support you provide here. You are certainly one of the pillars of this board. Trish
  4. Welcome to the site, Michelle. I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Please let us know how we can support you. Trish
  5. Hey, Brooklyn! So sorry you had to find your way here, but I'm not at all surprised by the fight and heart you show, it's very Brooklyn. Good luck with the treatments and try to do everything you can to stay strong. If you didn't have it already, ask your doc about flu and pneumonia shots, stay away from crowds, and drink more water than you thought any human should be able to hold. I hope all goes well. Trish
  6. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Debra, but I want to welcome you to the board. You will find lots of support and encouragement here. I was also diagnosed Stage IIIB NSCLC a little over 16 months ago. Initially it was hoped that I would be able to have surgery to remove my lung, but that didn't work out. After months and months of chemo and radiation, I feel great today. Its kind of creepy knowing that the remnants of the original tumor are still inside me, but that doesn't keep me down at all. I work fulltime, chauffer my 13 year old daughter on her endless social activities, and have recently started a walking program (walked 2.5 miles yesterday!). Treatment isn't easy, but, looking back, it wasn't as difficult as I imagined it would be. Feel free to pm me if I can be of any help. Trish
  7. Welcome, Judy. So sorry to hear about your lc diagnosis. Having battled breast cancer, though, I know you are a warrior and will be able to take on lc. Good luck with treatment, hope all goes well, and let us know how we can help. Trish
  8. Welcome, Dr. West, and thanks for providing the link to your website. I found it to be very informative and will be visiting often. Trish
  9. trish2418


    Congratulations on 4 years, Cindi, and I'm looking forward to your continuig to show us what a warrior looks like. You make a huge difference in a lot of lives (like mine). Stay strong. Trish
  10. Praying the procedure goes well and you receive nothing but good news afterwards. Trish
  11. Sorry you had to find us, but welcome to the board, Gerald. Good luck with your treatments and let us know how we can help. Trish
  12. Hi Stephanie, I was diagnosed Stage IIIB and am now as near to remission as you can get. While I was going through chemo and radiation, I had many more good days than bad days. Now its nothing but good days. Whatever your father decides, I'm praying he sees many, many good days. Take care, Trish
  13. trish2418


    Please accept my condolences. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  14. Please accept my condolences. May your cousin rest in peace. Trish
  15. Hi Welthy, Sending lots of prayers that the Tarceva is doing the job. Trish
  16. trish2418

    Mom is gone

    Please accept my condolences. Trish
  17. Great news, Joe. I hope your recuperation goes smoothly. Trish
  18. My prayers that all goes well. Trish
  19. Welcome to the site. I hope your husband's treatments go well. Trish
  20. Welcome, Julie. So sorry to hear about your dad. I was diagnosed Stage IIIB and with chemo and radiation, the cancer barely registers on PET scans. I have every intention of dancing at my 13 year-old's wedding and I'm sure your dad will be dancing at yours. Praying that treatment goes well for your dad. Trish
  21. Hope they get your mom's pneumonia or bronchitis or whatever it is under control soon. Big congratulations on 2 yrs. survivorship. Keep us posted. Trish
  22. Welcome, Teri. I'm praying your husband has great results with treatment. Trish
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