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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. trish2418


    Funny this post should come up now. There actually is a website called "americaonthemove.org that encourages walking and healthy life style. You can organize your own club within the site and track each others progress. All that is required is a pedometer (price range at Sports Authority is about $5.00-$30.00). They send you an e-mail each day and give you a suggestion about adding more steps to your routine or ways to reduce calories. Works for me. Trish
  2. trish2418

    RY 6000

    That's a lot of very much appreciated support! Thanks so much, Ry. Trish
  3. Your sister and your whole family remain in my prayers. Trish
  4. Glad to hear things went well for Mike. I'll continue prayers for him. Take care of yourself, too. Trish
  5. Terrific news, Golden. Load up on the chicken soup and knock that cold out of there. Stay well. Trish
  6. Welcome, Raney. I'm so sorry you had to find us, but I'm happy you found us. I'm one of those doing very well on Tarceva. Please feel free to p-m me if you have any questions regarding Tarceva or any other topics. Take care, Trish
  7. Thanks for that, Frank. True food for thought.
  8. Hi Mary, I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Zometa takes care of the spine mets. As for Tarceva, I've been taking it for 7 months now and I just feel better and better every day. Aside from the usual facial rash (which is now under control), I haven't suffered from any other side effects. Its a definite joy not having to go for chemo treatments. I hope your treatments go well and I'll continue sending out prayers for you. Trish
  9. So sorry to hear about your mom. I don't have answers to your questions other than to say that people much more knowledgable than myself will be along to answer your questions shortly. However, I did want to welcome you to the board. I think it is not uncommon for there to be uncertainty regarding diagnosis, especially when the primary cancer is not evident. Hang in there, it sounds like your mom is having all the right tests done and hopefully the docs will have a diagnosis soon. Where in FL is your mom located? Is she with a good cancer facility? Let us know how we can support you through this difficult time. Trish
  10. trish2418


    Sending prayers your way, Pammie. Trish
  11. Absolutely wonderful news, Geri! I will certainly raise a glass in celebration of your recovery every night till Saturday and then twice on Saturday! Live strong and be happy. Trish
  12. trish2418

    My Dad

    Please accept my condolences. May your dad restin peace. Trish
  13. Please accept my condolences. May your grandfather rest in peace. Trish
  14. I'm glad Hospice is working out so well for all of you. I've got my fingers crossed that your mom will be around for many more holidays. Hope the dehydratiion is resolved soon. Trish
  15. Welcome back, Joanie! Take care of yourself. Trish
  16. Congratulations, Maryanne, and a big thank you. Trish
  17. Congratulations to mom and your whole family! What a wonderful accomplishment. You are all truly blessed, as are we to have you with us. Wishing your mom many more years to come. Trish
  18. Sorry you had to find us, Jille, but welcome to a great source of information and support. My immediate advice is to go and get a good binder and copies of all test results your mom has. Keep copies of doctors' business cards in there; prescription medicine names, strengths and doses, and patient information; and a calendar to track appointments. Its really helpful to have all info in one place. Find out how long your mom's first chemo treatment will last -- probably 5 hours or more -- and have her pack a small meal plus snacks and plenty of water. It all seems overwhelming at first, but once treatment starts, you'll fall into a somewhat comforting routine. Good luck and prayers for your mom. Trish
  19. Wow, what a timely post for me. I'm at the point now in my treatment where I'm beginning to leave my comfort zone -- I've limited myself during treatment to work and very short treks to the grocery store, my daughter's dance performances, and an occassional dinner out with my husband. Now I'm ready to step out solo and get active in the community again. The first step was poll observation for early voting in Miami (Imagine!). I'm also observing on Election Day. After that, Im getting involved with The Wellness Community here and doing volunteer work for Relay For Life -- my onc is very involved with that event. Now that I am beginning to have confidence in my recovery, I want to do everything I can to make it a life well lived. I'm so very grateful for the second chance and I'm determined to make it count. So, Andrea, like the others have said, Live Your Life! Make plans, have good expectations and make sure to enjoy the day. Trish
  20. I've been on Tarceva for 7 months and feel great. Let us know if your husband has any of the normal Tarceva side effects: face rash, dry skin, diarrhea, etc. There are things that help. Hope the Tarceva works well for your husband. Trish
  21. trish2418


    So sorry for your loss. Trish
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