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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. trish2418

    Good scan results

    Thanks for the update, Fred. Great news! Trish
  2. Terrific news, Joanie. thanks for sharing. Trish
  3. And we're grateful to have you here. Congratulations on 2 years and here's to many, many more. Trish
  4. trish2418

    Melissa Zagon

    We lost a friend. My prayers go out to her family. Trish
  5. trish2418


    Terrific news, Raney. Thanks for sharing. Trish
  6. Barb, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with these additional health issues. You can't second-guess yourself on treatment you received in the past because, unfortunately, it's just a useless exercise. Lots of energy spent going nowhere. You've got plenty of fight in you, and when you know what direction to head in, you'll take on the new problems with spunk and grace. I'm sending extra prayers out for you today. Stay strong. Trish
  7. My prayers for you, your mom, and your entire family. Trish
  8. Hi Lilly, I'm sorry you're going through such a tough spot right now. But you're super strong and you will get through this. I hope the doctors can prescribe a drug that will take care of the nausea. Once that's resolved you'll feel much better. In the meantime, drink as much as you can and show your children what it means to be a fighter. Stay strong. Trish
  9. Please accept my condolences. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  10. I'm so sorry to see that cancer has touched your lives. We're here to support you and your husband in any way we can. Praying that his treatment shows great results. Trish
  11. Hi Bobby, I quit on August 15, 2005; the day I was diagnosed with cancer. My tips: lots and lots of water (I'm like a toddler again -- always walking around with a bottle), quitnet.com (24 hour support forum), and walking (gets those lungs working again). Good luck and keep us posted on how you're doing. Trish
  12. Welcome, Con. I'm so sorry for all that your family is going through. Please keep us posted on your husband's condition and let us know how we can help. You're in my prayers. Trish
  13. trish2418

    Great news!

    Excellent! One day at a time. Trish
  14. Frantically praying for you, Kasey. Keep us posted. Trish
  15. Welcome, Danielle. I'm so sorry your family is going through this. How is your mom doing with treatment? Please keep us posted and rest assured that we are here for you. Trish
  16. Welcome and I'm sending prayers that your father's treatment goes well. Trish
  17. trish2418


    Sending prayers for strength for you and your mom. Trish
  18. Please accept my sincere condolences. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
  19. Your husband is at about the same point in treatment that I was when I started to have blood count issues. Never did have SOB, fortunately. Neulasta helped tremendously for me. Hope it gets easier for your husband. Trish
  20. Hi Trish, Welcome to LCSC. You'll find lots of support here. So sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. Trish
  21. And a very Happy New Year to you, and the rest of us! Trish
  22. Hi Tanner, and welcome to LCSC. It just breaks my heart that cancer has touched your lives. Please let us know how we can help you and please keep us posted on your wife's progress. Your family is in my prayers. Trish
  23. Hi Heather, Sorry your mom is going through all this. I know how frightening and frustrating it is for the two of you. Just wanted to let you know that the steroid given with chemo can cause weight gain -- it happened to me at the beginning of treatment (changed to weight loss once radiation started). As for the fatigue, unfortunately, its not unusual. She should see her enery rise as she gets further along in the cycle. You're both in my prayers. Trish
  24. Shopping for new clothes was terrifying for me when my weight loss was at its worst. I had to confront the image in the mirror that I was carefully avoiding. It also made me wonder if the weight loss would ever stop and what would happen if it didn't. It was much easier to just wear the baggy clothes with the hope that I would soon grow back into them. My sister bought me some casual clothes in a smaller size and just hung them in my closet without telling me about it. I was grateful to see them and am still wearing some of them (others are too small now!). My advice, take a collection from the relatives and just go and pick up a few pieces for your mom. Good luck. Trish
  25. Good luck with treatment, Terry; I hope all goes as planned. Like the others have said, keep drinking water, keep eating, and keep laughing. Makes all the difference. I'll be praying for you. Trish
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