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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Sorry to hear this, Stephanie. You and your mom are in my prayers. Trish
  2. Praying for good scans, Heidi. And Happy First Birthday to Chloe! Trish
  3. trish2418


    Please wish your Mom a very Happy Birthday from me. Trish
  4. That's terrific news! I'm doing a happy dance for you and Gary. Trish
  5. I'm so glad your treatment is going well. It sure sounds like you're heading to a cure. I hope the chemo treats you kindly. Trish
  6. trish2418

    My big day

    What a great family you've got and what a wonderful surprise for you! Enjoy the trip. Trish
  7. Way to go, Ernie! Go get 'em next year. Trish
  8. Your dad is an incredible fighter! Keep us posted on how his treatment progresses. Trish
  9. Welcome, Wendy. Your husband has been through so much this past year. I'm sending prayers for the 2 of you. Trish
  10. Hi Mindy and welcome. I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's cancer. You family will be in my prayers. Trish
  11. Welcome, and I hope your mom continues to show improvment. You're both in my prayers. Trish
  12. Welcome and thank you for sharing your very inspirational story. Trish
  13. What a wonderful job you're doing taking care of your dad. I'm sure he greatly appreciates it. Just make sure to take care of yourself while you're taking care of dad. Trish
  14. Welcome, Loretta. I'm so glad you're husband is responding well to treatment. I'll be praying for more positive results. take care.a Trish
  15. What great news, Stephanie. I'll keep you and your dad in my prayers. Trish
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss, Beth. Trish
  17. The last couple of weeks I've had the darndest problem with swollen ankles and I can't figure out the cause. At first it was limited to my left ankle and I thought it was from a sprained ankle I suffered years ago. I started walking in October and I thought maybe I was overdoing it and my weak ankle was protesting. Now my right ankle is swelling, not as much as the left, but there's noticeable swelling. Swelling goes down overnight, but comes back over the course of the day. Has this happened to anyone else? I see my onc. on the 29th and I'll mention it to him then, but it's really starting to bug me. My current meds are Tarceva 150 mg, and Minocycline. Trish
  18. Welcome! Please let us know how we can support you. Trish
  19. I sure feel your pain, Tracy! Most days I'm able to stick my head in the sand and ignore the pink elephant in the room. Other days the elephant is standing on my chest and I can't think about anything else. I don't know how much time I've got left, but whatever time that is, I don't want to waste it by worrying about things that I can't control. For the first time in my life I got a prescription for sleeping pills to help on those nights that the bad thoughts escape from that part of my brain that tries to keep them in check. During the day I try to keep my mind occupied at all times so the bad thoughts can't creep in. I don't always succeed, unfortunately, but I have many more good days than bad days. I hope you're feeling better today and good luck trying to keep the demons in place. Hugs, Trish
  20. trish2418

    BRAIN MRI results

    Wonderful news, Mary! I'm really happy for you. Trish
  21. I'm a jeans and comfort food kind of gal. Like Kasey, though, I really prefer to eat at home. I LOVE cooking. Trish
  22. I'm so sorry for you loss. My prayers are with you and your family. May your dad rest in peace. Trish
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