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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. Your sister should eat whatever she wants. Tell her to enjoy the chicken. What a good sister you are. Trish
  2. Congratulations on 2 yrs., Michael. You're a great example of surviving and thriving. Keep it going. Trish
  3. Hi Jenna, So sorry to hear about your father-in-law. As for treatment, I had 2 chemo sessions before I started radiation and then I had chemo and radiation concurrently. I hope the VA gets its act together and gets your FIL's treatment started soon. Keep us posted. Trish
  4. I'm so sorry, Christy. I'll say a special prayer for you and your grandma. Trish
  5. Good for Mom! She amazes me, too. Trish
  6. (((((((Grace))))))) I'm continuing to pray for all of you. Trish
  7. Hi Lydia, Can't help with the drug interaction questions, but wanted to let you know that I'll be praying for your mom. Hang in there. Trish
  8. Good for Mom! What a fighter she is! Radiation keeps working for about 2 weeks after the last treatment. After that, she should see steady improvement day by day. It's important to keep her hydrated and to make sure she keeps getting nourishment. Sleeping is really good, too. I'll be praying for only the best scan results. Good luck to the 2 of you. Trish
  9. Aaron, I would feel that way (spacy, nauseated) when I took Tarceva before getting out of bed in the morning. Now I eat first, wait 2 hours, take the pill, wait 1 hour, eat again. It helps alot. Also, you might want to try one of the anti-nausea pills (I use Compazine on very rare occassions to control nausea). Hang in there; once the rash disappears and the nausea/dizziness is controlled, you'll feel much better. By the way, did you get the disabled parking spot? Why are you still on subways? In flu season? Oy. Trish
  10. trish2418

    Dear Dave!!!

    Saying prayers for Dave. Hope all goes well. Trish
  11. Congratulations to both of you, and here's to many more re-birthdays! Trish
  12. It took about a week to work with me. I only took it for about 3 weeks total till I didn't need it anymore. Good luck. Trish
  13. I'm sorry for your loss, Jackie. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  14. How about if you take it at a different time? The onc nurses at my facility say patients seem to tolerate the pill better if they take it at bedtime. Worth a try. As for the rash, I take Minocycline once a cream, Clindamycin at night. Good luck. Trish
  15. I'm so sorry, Betty. I'll say a special prayer for your sister. May she rest in peace. Trish
  16. Welcome, Julie. I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's diagnosis. There are plenty of great meds out there to help control nausea, hopefully her doc will have your mom on the right one for her right from the start. Keep us posted on how your mom's treatment is going. Take care. Trish
  17. Welcome. It always hurts me to see people as young as you diagnosed with this awful disease. The kids will keep the fight in you, though. I'm one of those who is doing really well on Tarceva, and I'll say a prayer that you'll be another. Stay strong and keep us posted on how treatment is going. Trish
  18. Good to see you and the cute little doggie again! Welcome back. Trish
  19. Great news, Jen. Thanks for sharing. Trish
  20. So glad things are improving. Take care. Trish
  21. I so admire the wonderful way you are taking care of your family. My prayers are with all of you. Trish
  22. Of course I'll say a prayer for your mom. Hang in there, Heidi and mom. Trish
  23. Hi Jamie, Just wanted to let you know that I spoke to Jennifer Viera at Genentech today. She was very nice and very concerned and said she would be contacting the Miami Herald and local news outlets to see if there is any interest in reporting on Tarceva/Lung Cancer. I'll let you know if anything develops. Take care, Trish
  24. Sounds like a giant step forward. How exciting. Trish
  25. trish2418

    Part 3

    Mitchell, your mom will be scheduled for scans frequently after treatment ends. If anything is growing, it will be caught early. After chemo is finished, many of us begin taking Tarceva, a once-a-day pill, with great success. Your mom might want to talk to her doctor about that at her next visit. Take care and I hope your mom's remaining treatment goes smoothly for her. Trish
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