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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. trish2418


    I'm so happy for you and for those who will be able to take advantage of the flights. Please let us know how it goes on your first medical flight. Trish
  2. Congratulations, Jeffrey and Trish! Your journey toward "normal" is inspiring to all of us. Here's to many, many more survivor birthdays. Trish
  3. trish2418

    moms gone

    Please accept my condolences. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  4. I'm glad things continue to go well for you. Good idea not to go into work -- why take any chances. Hope the remaining treatment goes well. Trish
  5. I so admire your strength and dedication to your mother. My prayers are with your family. Trish
  6. Sending out prayers for good scan results. Trish
  7. Welcome, Lisabeth. I'm so sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis. Please feel free to come here for encouragement, support, and knowledge whenever you need to. Trish
  8. Hi Robin, I use a saline nasal spray called Ocean. It's available over-the-counter at any drugstore. Good luck. Trish
  9. Welcome, Deenee. You'll find lots of encouragement and support here. Praying for your dad. Trish
  10. "Dream Girls" was really good. Trish
  11. Sending lots of prayers for you and your mom. Trish
  12. trish2418


    My prayers for you and all who knew Eddie. Trish
  13. I'm sorry the Alimta didn't work, Kelly. Low-dose Taxotere was a breeze for me; the higher dose wasn't as kind. My blood counts took a hit but Neulasta solved that. Hope it works for your mom. You're both in my prayers. Trish
  14. http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/blogs/paging.dr.gupta/ Thursday, January 11, 2007 Lance's fire burns bright When we asked Lance Armstrong to write a column about cancer , most people here at CNN had no idea how it would explode. But, I did. You see, I know Lance Armstrong. I have sat down with him and seen firsthand his passion for this war on cancer. It burns. He and the president of his foundation, Doug Ulman, a three-time cancer survivor himself, will never accept defeat in this battle. Never. All day long, it was among the most viewed pages on CNN.com. It showed just how much our viewers care about this issue. In a day filled with stories about Iraq and a presidential address, Lance and his vengeance toward cancer captured attention. More than 1 million people read his column, and hundreds sent responses. They shared stories of support and stories of victory over what cancer survivors call "the beast." They also shared stories of defeat that make you want to cry. Lance has already heard many of your stories. Because of them, he doesn't sleep much. As he admits, he is not a patient man. Instead, he is busying himself directly calling political leaders and reminding them that 1,500 people will die of cancer today, and tomorrow, and the next day. He is reminding them that the National Cancer Institute cut spending $40 million dollars between 2005 and 2006, and may cut funding again this year. He is reminding them that we can save unimaginable amounts of money if we just spend a little more now. Case in point: colon cancer. Caught early, the cost is around $2,000. Caught late, and the costs balloon to $250,000, not to mention the aggressive and debilitating treatment. It makes sense, medically and financially to offer these screenings to everyone, regardless of cost. Lance is undoubtedly the most famous cancer survivor in the world. His story of how he was given a coin flip's chance of survival from cancer that had spread to his lung and to his brain is legendary. He didn't accept defeat and he went on to beat cancer and then beat the world's best athletes seven years in a row. Now, he has everyone's cancer squarely in his crosshairs. You should feel better because he does. Join our discussion here, or go to CNN.com/Savingyourlife, where you can get much more information on cancer and hear from cancer survivors or send us an I-Report with your own story. And be sure to watch Lance and me on CNN's "Saving Your Life" special, Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. E.T.
  15. You've got the right attitude, Heather. Stay strong in your resolve to beat the beast. Praying your eligible for surgery after chemo. Trish
  16. I'm so sorry you and your husband are having to go through this. Sending prayers. Trish
  17. Hi Heather, I'll echo what the others said -- get the port! Hope your veins start feeling better. Trish
  18. Sending prayers for your sister. Trish
  19. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck, Mary. Trish
  20. That's great news! I'm very happy for you and your mom. Trish
  21. Those results sound good! Thanks for sharing. Trish
  22. I'm so happy for you guys -- those are great results! Glad you got time to celebrate before the battle resumes. Praying that all your results are good results! Trish
  23. trish2418

    Waiting to exhale

    Great news, Kasey! You made my day. Trish
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