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Everything posted by trish2418

  1. House, Project Runway and Top Chef. The rest of the time I'm watching the Food Network. Trish
  2. My prayers are going out to you and the girls. May Carlton rest in peace. Trish
  3. Welcome, Candy. So sorry to hear about your dad's recurrence. We're here if you want to ask questions, vent, etc. Take care. Trish
  4. Over and over and over again. Never seem to learn! Trish
  5. You're amazing! Your husband is so lucky to have you. Trish
  6. Hi Shelly, I'm also a former smoker taking Tarceva. I quit smoking the same day I was diagnosed. Tarceva is working well for me and I would think it could be an option for your mom. Good luck. Trish
  7. Prayers coming mom's way. Trish
  8. trish2418

    Mom's results

    What great news! Go out and celebrate. Trish
  9. Just a note about Megace -- I had hair loss as a side effect. I only took it for about 2 weeks as an appetite stimulant, but it did cause hair loss. Also, its a hormone, so talk to your gyno about long-term effects. Trish
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss, Mindy. May your mom rest in peace. Trish
  11. Welcome and good luck. I'd definitely go with the 2nd opinion. Keep us posted. Trish
  12. trish2418


    Great news, Betty! I'm so happy for you. Trish
  13. I am so happy for you and your family, Heather. I hope your news continues to be good. Trish
  14. Aaron, I have very bad neuropathy after 2 sessions of Taxol. I had a reaction to Taxol and was switched to Taxotere and didn't have any neuropathy from that. I don't remember how long it took for the pins and needles feeling to go away entirely, but it is totally gone now. Good luck, hope your's goes away quickly. Trish
  15. Thanks for being here for us, Kasey. Your advice and support is so special. Trish
  16. Welcome to LCSC. You will find great info and support here. I hope treatment goes well for you mom. Keep us posted. Trish
  17. Trust your heart, Grace. Your heart is amazing and it will not let you or Carlton down. I'm saying so many prayers for all of you. Trish
  18. I'm really happy for you and your sister. Now do a happy dance and celebrate! We LIKE good news! Trish
  19. I've been taking Tarceva for almost a year now and its worked really well. I hope the same success for your husband. Trish
  20. Hi Adam, I wanted to welcome you here and to let you know that you will find much comfort and guidance here. I never used meditation/relaxation techniques during treatment but I'm sure others will be along shortly who will ideas for books or cd's. Good luck to you and your mom. Keep us posted as her treatment progresses. Trish
  21. Keeping you and your's in my thoughts and prayers. Trish
  22. Welcome, Karyn, and I'm so sorry you had the need to find us. Like the others, I'd recommend a second opinion. Keep us posted as you figure out a treatment plan. Hang in there. Trish
  23. Lilacs and chocolate truffles. Yum. Trish
  24. trish2418

    Prayer Request

    Sending prayers, Ann. Trish
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